
The Study of the Inequity of Schooling

Ding-Ying Guo

所屬期刊: 第6卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol022_02
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2010
作者: 郭丁熒
作者(英文): Ding-Ying Guo
論文名稱: 何處有塵埃?~學校教育不公平之探究
論文名稱(英文): The Study of the Inequity of Schooling
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 學校教育;不公平
英文關鍵字: Professor; Department of Education; National University of Tainan
服務單位: 國立臺南大學教育系教授
稿件字數: 18380
作者專長: 教育社會學、教師社會學、學生社會學、知識社會學
投稿日期: 2010/1/15
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摘要(中文): 本文旨在探討不公平的意涵、從社會學來分析學校教育不公平的存在情形。本文係採文獻分析之論述方式進行探究,先釐清不公平之意涵,再分析相關社會學者對學校教育不公平之觀點,據以探究學校教育不公平之處,以期對學校教育不公平之意涵及其存在分布情形有一全貌之了解。根據本文發現,提出四項結論:「不公平是指無法依正義來作相等或合理的安排,與不公正、不正義、不均等、不合理、偏私、及無績效等概念相互關聯,但在理想層次上有別」、「社會學者對學校教育不公平或不平等之分析,大約源自1970年代,以具有衝突論或批判教學論思想的學者為主」、「社會學者對學校教育不公平存在之關注焦點從鉅觀層面漸漸到微觀層面;從強調不均等之不公平,漸漸到重視不合理、偏私、與不正義之不公平」、「學校教育中的不公平存在於教育投入、教育過程與教育結果」。最後則提出學校教育不公平分布架構圖,作為省思、實踐與未來研究之參考。
摘要(英文): The aims of this article are to explore the concept of inequity and to analyze the inequity of schooling based on sociology perspectives. Literature review was adopted in this study. The findings of this article are as follows:
1. Inequity is a complex concept with a variety of facets, i.e. unfairness, injustice, inequality, unreasonableness, bias and non-merit.
2. The dominant tenets on schooling thinking have begun to be analyzed, criticized, and challenged by scholars when the movement on the left wing of Conflict Theory progressed in the middle period of 1970s.
3. The focus of the sociology perspectives shifted from the macro-dimension to micro-dimension of schooling inequity. Furthermore, the major facet of the inequity concept changed from inequality to unreasonableness, bias and injustice.
4. The inequities of schooling may occur in the input of education, the educating process and the output of education.
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