
The Analysis of Privatizing Secondary Education (14-19) in UK

Robin, Jung-Cheng Chen

所屬期刊: 第6卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol022_03
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2010
作者: 陳榮政
作者(英文): Robin, Jung-Cheng Chen
論文名稱: 英國中等教育的民營化過程分析
論文名稱(英文): The Analysis of Privatizing Secondary Education (14-19) in UK
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 英國教育;中等教育;民營化
英文關鍵字: privatizing; secondary education; education in Britain
服務單位: 國家教育研究院籌備處助理研究員
稿件字數: 15290
作者專長: 教育社會學、教育政策、比較教育
投稿日期: 2010/6/25
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 自1980年代開始,英國即面臨對福利國家實施的內涵,是不是該有所修正與改變的討論,這股反省福利國家福利提供的風潮,連帶影響許多公共服務的政策實施,教育即為其中之一環。B. Jessop(1994)對此分析後認為,英國的福利國家型態,已由中央政府全面介入的「凱因斯式社會福利國家」(Keynesian Welfare State),因經濟與社會環境的轉變,而成為一種「去管制化」(deregulation)與「去中心化」(decentralization)的「熊彼得式工作福利國家」(Schumpeterian Workfare State)。但本研究卻發現,在英格蘭各地中等教育的經營方面,新工黨政府以建立標準並檢視其達成率的方式來作為評估學校繼續運作與否的依據,但是這種狀似市場化的政策制訂,卻沒有傳統市場化思維中,具備去集權化與去管制化的特質與作法;反之,在制訂政策的同時卻明顯看出中央力量強勢介入教育市場經營的痕跡。本研究即是對此一特色,對其進行深入的探討並以深入訪談方式獲取相關資料,藉此釐清其民營化的思維與過程。
摘要(英文): Since the 1980s, the UK has been reflecting upon the question: Whether a welfare state’s policy-implementation should be altered. This reflection has influenced various public-service policies, including education. B. Jessop (1994) suggested that the British Welfare State has turned from “ Keynesian Welfare State”, greatly intervened by the central government into a deregulated and decentralized “Schumpeterian Workfare State.” Regarding school operation, the New Labour government has set up standards to inspect their effectiveness as the basis to decide on their continuous operation. Yet this seemingly market-driven policy-making did not have the conventional deregulated and decentralized features. However, a strong government intervention in school operation was evident. The methodology adopted in this research was in-depth interview, focusing on the processing of the privatizations.
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