
Reclassifying University Courses: Solving Problems due to Dichotomy of General and Professional Courses

Jeng-Horng Chen

所屬期刊: 第6卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol022_09
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2010
作者: 陳政宏
作者(英文): Jeng-Horng Chen
論文名稱: 大學課程之重新分類:擺脫通識與專業課程二分法的問題
論文名稱(英文): Reclassifying University Courses: Solving Problems due to Dichotomy of General and Professional Courses
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 課程分類;通識課程;專業課程;專業通識;融貫通識
英文關鍵字: course classification; general course; professional course; professional general course; consilience course
服務單位: 國立成功大學系統及船舶機電工程學系副教授
稿件字數: 20023
作者專長: 紊流,二相流,船舶推進,雷射/光學測量
投稿日期: 2010/6/14
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 雖然最近大學以通識為核心的全校性課程規劃,使得通識教育有了革新的新希望。但在規劃全校性課程時,仍然會受到通識與專業兩組課程互相競爭或衝突的糾葛,以及不同層級教學單位之間對課程學分數分配的角力。如何妥善整合地規劃課程、培養學生終生所需能力、以及開發跨領域的通識及專業課程,也易在此過程中被忽視。因此本文以澄清通識與專業界線的理論思維為基礎,強化與深化通識課程為目標,擬議大學課程重新分類的方法:(1)引入補救常識類;(2)共同課程類乃由校級規劃的核心課程,包含博雅通識與公民通識;(3)由院系規劃的專業課程包括專業通識及專業技術知識,其中新引入的專業通識概念,包括基礎專業通識,及融貫通識兩種。希望藉由專業通識的引入,強化學生的知識體系與脈絡,並模糊化原有通識與專業的界線。
摘要(英文): The issue of general course reform in Taiwan’s universities is coming to a new page with hope, due to the introduction of university-level course planning with general course as core curriculum. However, general courses and professional courses have still been competing for the share in the credits and priority. Teaching units at different levels within a university may still fight for course ratio. The issues of integrated course plan, cultivating students’ core life competences, and offering interdisciplinary professional/general courses are easily neglected. The aim of this article is to clarify the theory of general and professional courses “boundary” and to argue and propose the following points of reclassifying university courses for the objective of strengthening and deepening general course: (1) introducing remedy curriculum; (2) common curriculum planned at university level includes liberal arts and civic literacy; (3) professional curriculum includes professional general courses and professional technical courses. The new concept of “professional general courses” consists of fundamental professional general courses and consilience courses. It is hoped that the introduction of professional general courses will strengthen students’ knowledge system, and smear the boundary between old general course and professional course.
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