
The Importance of Context Analysis in Educational Borrowing: A Study of Social Context for Teacher Education in America and its Implication for Taiwan

Yi-Fang Lee;Fang-Shen Chiang;I-Chen Hsieh

所屬期刊: 第7卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」
系統編號: vol024_02
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2011
作者: 李懿芳;江芳盛;謝易臻
作者(英文): Yi-Fang Lee;Fang-Shen Chiang;I-Chen Hsieh
論文名稱: 社會脈絡分析對跨國教育借鑑之重要性:以美國師培的社會脈絡分析及其對臺灣的啟示為例
論文名稱(英文): The Importance of Context Analysis in Educational Borrowing: A Study of Social Context for Teacher Education in America and its Implication for Taiwan
論文頁數: 18
中文關鍵字: 社會脈絡分析;師資培育;教育改革;教育借鑑
英文關鍵字: educational borrowing;educational reform;social context analysis;teacher education
服務單位: 國立暨南國際大學比較教育學系副教授
稿件字數: 8989
作者專長: 教育方案評鑑;教育需求評估研究;教育量化研究;教育評量與心理測驗;美國教育
投稿日期: 2010/2/18
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 「他山之石,可以攻錯」是教育決策者參考國外制度時常使用的理由,惟必須先深入分析外國的社會情境脈絡後,再進行借鏡,才不會落入盲目借用的陷阱。如同Michael Sadler所言,每個國家或學校的教育制度深植於該國的社會情境脈絡之中,任意移植外國教育,就如同孩童期望在公園中隨意摘折的枝葉能在自家庭園中茁壯一般。我國師資培育制度改革之初,順應國際主要潮流,採取開放多元的取向,其中又以美國最具代表;然而兩國師資培育的社會脈絡差異頗大,開放多元的取向是否適合我國的情境,值得深入分析。作者透過相關數據與實證資料,分析臺美兩國教師地位、結構及師培面臨之問題,以解釋兩國師資培育環境的差異,並對我國參考美國師培制度規劃精神所產生的問題,加以檢討和批判。本文的分析驗證了洞悉形塑外國制度之精神動力的重要性,希冀未來在參考國外的教育制度時,能針對該國環境因素進行深度剖析,以提出適合我國情境脈絡的改革規劃。
摘要(英文): For many proponents of educational reform, it is spontaneous and wishful to think that another country’s educational systems are viable as they imitate or plan similar changes. However, borrowing without a thorough understanding over the societal factors forming the system is dangerous. As Michael Sadler said, “We cannot wander at pleasure among the educational systems of the world, like a child strolling through a garden, and pick off a flower from one bush and some leaves from another, and then expect that if we stick what we have gathered into the soil at home, we shall have a living plant.” This study aims at examining above statement using the case of teacher education reform in Taiwan since 1994 that mostly follows an open and multi recruitment approach, among which American system is exemplary. This paper provides evidences of the differences between the USA and Taiwan, including teachers’ social status, annual salary relative to per capita income, supply and demand, and social mobility. To conclude, for any reforms in the future, in-depth and systematical explorations of the factors forming educational systems of foreign countries should be encouraged to avoid unexpected problems and irreversible consequences in educational transplantation.
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