
A Study of Teacher Education/Training Accreditation System in England and Wales

Feng-Jihu Lee

所屬期刊: 第7卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」
系統編號: vol024_03
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2011
作者: 李奉儒
作者(英文): Feng-Jihu Lee
論文名稱: 英國師資培育認證制度之探究
論文名稱(英文): A Study of Teacher Education/Training Accreditation System in England and Wales
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 英國;師資培育;師資培育認證;師資培育評鑑
英文關鍵字: England;Wales;Teacher Education/ Training Accreditation;accreditation;evaluation
服務單位: 國立中正大學教育學研究所教授
稿件字數: 18382
作者專長: 教育哲學;批判教學論;道德教育;後設倫理學;比較教育理論;英國教育研究
投稿日期: 2011/2/8
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摘要(中文): 本文運用歷史研究法以掌握英國師資培育認證制度的六個面向,包括師資培育認證的政策與相關法規、認證的權責機關與成員、認證的硬體層面(包括圖儀、經費與空間等)、認證的軟體層面(包括教師、課程與教學等)、認證的實施方案,以及認證結果之運用措施等。最後,根據研究結果提供我國未來實施及檢討改進師資培育機構認證制度之參考。
摘要(英文): In order to understand the development of Teacher Education Accreditation System in England and Wales, this research first of all employs historical method to study some specific aspects of accreditation which this research will pay particular attention to: 1.the policies and acts/regulations of teacher education/training accreditation, 2.the agencies and their membership for accrediting teacher education, 3.the hard dimensions, and 4.the soft dimensions of teacher education accreditation, 5.the procedures of teacher education accreditation, and 6.the treatment of accreditation results.
The following are the main findings of this research:
1.The policies and acts/regulations of teacher education/training accreditation systems in England and Wales are greatly influenced by the attacks from neo-conservativism and neo-liberalism.
2.The central agencies and their members for accrediting teacher education have been changed as educationally de-professionalized.
3.The hard dimensions of teacher education accreditation systems, including libraries, equipments, funding and spaces are regulated in detail by government.
4.The soft dimensions of teacher education accreditation systems, including teacher educators, curriculum, teaching methods, assessments, and so on are increasingly competence-based and follow the Qualified Teacher Status standards and Initial Teacher Training requirements.
5.The procedures and executive programs of institutional accreditation of teacher education are conducted by then Teacher Training Agency and later Training and Development Agency for Schools after 2005.
6.The treatment of accrediting results includes pass or not accreditation or re-accreditation, and might be withdraw of accreditation after Ofsted’s inspection..
Finally, this study in concluding, according to the research results, proposes some suggestions for the improvement of teacher education accreditation system in Taiwan.
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