
A Retrospective Trend Analysis of the 2010 Australian Curriculum

Ming-Ying Chen

所屬期刊: 第7卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol025_06
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2011
作者: 陳明印
作者(英文): Ming-Ying Chen
論文名稱: 澳洲中小學課程發展趨勢分析-從2010年國家中小學統一課程綱要來看
論文名稱(英文): A Retrospective Trend Analysis of the 2010 Australian Curriculum
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵字: 澳洲;澳洲課程;全國課程;課程發展
英文關鍵字: Australia;Australian curriculum;national curriculum;curriculum development
服務單位: 教育部主任秘書
稿件字數: 20007
作者專長: 課程與教學;課程評鑑;技職教育
投稿日期: 2011/2/10
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 2010 年12 月8 日澳洲各州廳長正式認可(endorse)國家中小學統一課程綱要(The Australian Curriculum)。而各州快者從2011年,慢者在2013年,都將開始實施新的課程。在澳洲,憲法規定學校教育是屬各州的權責。而此次推動全國統一課程,不僅引發澳洲各界之討論,更值得近幾年來,一值倡導課程鬆綁的我國密切關注。是以本文,特在探討其發展背景後,扼要分析其課程重點與特色及所帶給我們的啟示。
摘要(英文): On 8th December 2010, the ministers of Australian states and territories had officially endorsed The Australian Curriculum; all states and territories will receive the details and implement the new curriculum by 2013 the latest. The Australian constitution specified that state authorities had independent right over their school curricula. This effort of unifying school curriculum development has attracted a lot of attention, also from Taiwan
- a country which has been promoting decentralization of curriculum development in recent years. For this reason, the report aims to describe the critical stage of centralized curriculum development, and also highlights its implications for education in Taiwan.
參考文獻: 羊憶蓉(1996)。一九九O 年的澳洲教育改革:「核心能力」取向的教育計劃。
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