The Development of an Effective Teacher Learning Community:A Case Study of Hong Kong
Tam Choi Fung
Tam Choi Fung
所屬期刊: |
第7卷第2期 「課程與教學」 主編:國立臺北教育大學教育學系、課程與教學研究所合聘教授兼教務長 黃嘉雄 |
系統編號: | vol025_08 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2011 |
作者: | 譚彩鳳 |
作者(英文): | Tam Choi Fung |
論文名稱: | 有效能教師學習社群之發展:香港個案研究 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Development of an Effective Teacher Learning Community:A Case Study of Hong Kong |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
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語文別: | |
論文頁數: | 34 |
中文關鍵字: | 教師學習社群;教師專業發展;校本課程發展 |
英文關鍵字: | teacher learning community;teacher professional development;school-schoolbased |
服務單位: | 香港中文大學課程與教學學系助理教授 |
稿件字數: | 19866 |
作者專長: | 課程與教學;教師專業發展;校本課程發展 |
投稿日期: | 2010/10/10 |
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摘要(中文): | 教師學習社群是教師專業發展的新範式,而有效能的教師學習社群可以促成創新課程的發展。然而,實徵研究指出由於華人社會教師文化保守,在發展教師學習社群遇到不少困難。本研究通過香港一所中學中文科教師的經歷,揭示有效能教師學習社群的發展機制1。研究結果反映(一)科主任先從政府的課程發展計劃中增強相關的知能,然後把握課程改革的契機,建立共同願景與目標,推動同儕合作,帶領課程的規劃與實施。(二)增加教 師學習機會的溝通機制包括成立課程發展小組、共同備課、師徒制、同儕視導、科組會議。(三)教師參與、分享、對話、實踐及共同反思,能促進教師的專業成長。(四)開放的學校文化提供支援環境發展教師學習社群。這一切最終為教師及科組文化帶來核心的轉變。 |
摘要(英文): | Teacher learning community is a new paradigm shift of professional teacher development. Effective teacher learning community is conducive to the implementation of curriculum innovation. Studies have shown that owing to the conservatism of teacher culture in the Chinese society, the development of teacher learning communities have confronted many difficulties. This case study aimed at exploring useful mechanisms operated in an efficient teacher learning community developed by teachers of a Chinese department of a Hong Kong secondary school. The findings of this study have documented that: (1) the department heads increased their expertise by joining the curriculum development projects provided by the government and then seize the chance of curriculum change in fostering collegiality, building shared vision and goals, and facilitating curriculum planning and implementation. (2) The mechanisms that increased learning opportunities among teachers included the establishment of decision-making group about curriculum development, pre-lesson planning discussion group, mentorship, peer class visits, and meetings. (3) Teachers’ participation, sharing, dialogue, practices and mutual reflection, all promoted the professional development of teachers. (4) The collaborative culture of school also provided supportive environment for the development of teacher learning community. All these facilitated fundamental changes of teachers and restructuring of departmental culture in the end. |
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