
The Exploration of Recognition of Lifelong Learning in Europe

Cheng-Ping Yu;Yu-Jun Lin

所屬期刊: 第7卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol026_08
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2011
作者: 于承平;林俞均
作者(英文): Cheng-Ping Yu;Yu-Jun Lin
論文名稱: 歐洲終身學習成就認證之探討
論文名稱(英文): The Exploration of Recognition of Lifelong Learning in Europe
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 先前學習認證;學分累積及轉換制度;終身教育與訓練
英文關鍵字: recognition of prior learning;credit transfer and accumulation system;lifelong education and training
服務單位: 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系博士候選人;國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所碩士生
稿件字數: 14862
作者專長: 技職教育、終身教育、師資培育、教育行政
投稿日期: 2011/5/13
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本文藉由文獻分析及文件分析法,探討歐盟從先前學習成就認證、教育與訓練之學習學分轉換機制,到歐洲資歷架構之無縫銜接終身學習制度發展歷程及內涵,並依據文獻分析及文件分析之結論提出四點建議:第一、實施利害關係人參與及推動制度;第二、推動非正規及非正式之多元學習成就認證;第三、建立終身教育與訓練之學分累積及轉換制度;第四、發展學習成就認證對照之國家資歷架構。除上述建議外,更應融入我國的社會文化發
摘要(英文): The article through literature review and document analysis method explores the achievements of the EU countries to learn from the recognition of prior learning, education and training of the learning mechanism of credit transfer, to the European Qualifications
Framework for lifelong learning system for seamless development process. Based on literature review and document analysis, the proposals are put forward: first, the implementation of the stakeholder participation and promotion of the system; second,
promotion of non-formal and informal learning achievement of multiple recognition; third, the establishment of lifelong education and training of credit transfer and accumulation
systems; fourth, development of learning achievement of the National Qualifications Framework certification. In addition to the above proposals, it should be integrated into the context of the social and cultural development, in line with Taiwans national requirement
for the development of lifelong education and training policies to the existing quality of the foundation, the development of innovative educational strategies.
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