
The Types and Effects of Relational Bonds between Advisor and Graduate Student

Shueh-Chin Ting;Chung-Chieh Yang

所屬期刊: 第7卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol027_06
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2011
作者: 丁學勤;楊忠傑
作者(英文): Shueh-Chin Ting;Chung-Chieh Yang
論文名稱: 指導教授與研究生間關係結合的型態及其效果
論文名稱(英文): The Types and Effects of Relational Bonds between Advisor and Graduate Student
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵字: 指導教授;關係結合;功利價值;享樂價值;忠誠度
英文關鍵字: advisor;relational bond;utilitarian value;hedonic value;loyalty
服務單位: 國立臺南大學教育學系教授;國立臺南大學教育經營與管理研究所碩士
稿件字數: 19592
作者專長: 教育經營管理、學校行銷、關係行銷、服務管理
投稿日期: 2010/12/17
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摘要(中文): 本研究欲了解指導教授與研究生之間有哪些型態的關係結合,同時這些不同型態的關係結合對研究生會產生什麼影響。研究目的是幫助指導教授運用不同型態的關係結合,讓研究生的論文寫作更加順利,提昇研究生對指導教授的信心,建立忠誠的行為。本研究以404份研究生填答的有效問卷為基礎,以結構方程模式進行模式驗證。本研究的發現如下:指導教授與研究生之間有三種型態的關係結合—財務性結合、社交性結合與結構性結合,財
摘要(英文): This study aims to understand types of relational bonds between advisor and graduate student and what impacts these relational bonds have on graduate students. The purpose of this study is to help the advisor make good use of relational bonds of different types to facilitate paper writing of graduate student, promote graduate student’s confidence in the advisor, and establish loyal behavior. Based on 404 valid questionnaires from respondents (graduate students), model test was conducted by structural equation modeling. The findings of this study indicate that there are three types of relational bonds between the advisor and graduate students: financial bond, social bond and structural bond; financial bond positively influences utilitarian value, social bond positively influences hedonic value, and structural bond positively influences both utilitarian and hedonic value. Accordingly, the advisor can effectively use these three types of relational bonds to enhance utilitarian and hedonic value. This study also finds that utilitarian and hedonic value can improve graduate student’s satisfaction with the advisor, then enhance trust, and finally strengthen loyalty to the advisor.
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