
A Case Study on Interdisciplinary Teachers Developing an Integrated Curriculum

Yueh-Hung Tseng

所屬期刊: 第7卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol027_08
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2011
作者: 曾月紅
作者(英文): Yueh-Hung Tseng
論文名稱: 跨學科教師發展統整課程之個案研究
論文名稱(英文): A Case Study on Interdisciplinary Teachers Developing an Integrated Curriculum
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵字: 統整課程;跨語言課程;跨科際課程;教師專業學習社群
英文關鍵字: integrated curriculum;inter-language curriculum;interdisciplinary curriculum;professional learning community of teachers
服務單位: 國立東華大學英美語文學系教授
稿件字數: 11111
作者專長: 批判識讀與英語文教學、社會文化理論與英語文教學、英語教材教法、外語習得、英語教學實習、全語文學習及教學理論和實務
投稿日期: 2011/3/15
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摘要(中文): 這個研究的目的是要藉由檢視不同領域和語言的小學教師共同創造統整課程的過程來對教師專業發展做建議。研究的問題是在職教師如何發展統整課程。研究資料包括教師的團體討論的錄音帶(以逐字稿呈現)、教師的檔案夾(收集了教師所有課程設計和研究中所產生文件等資料)、研究者的省思札記。研究發現教師發展課程統整的過程包括教師尋找焦點,做連結和預設課程。研究發現從教師的角度來建構課程統整是與課程統整的學者定義
摘要(英文): The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes of how elementary school teachers from different disciplines (language arts, social studies, art) and from different languages (English or Chinese) co-created an integrated curriculum, and to provide the
suggestions for teacher professional development. The research question concerns how in-service teachers developed an integrated curriculum. This study’s data are of three main types: (1) audio tapes of teacher study-group conversations (in transcript form), (2)
teachers’ portfolio (which collected teachers’ curriculum and artifacts generated from the research), and (3) reflection entries from my reflection journal. Findings suggest that the processes of teachers integrating curriculum were “searching the focus,” “intertextualizing,” and projecting. In addation, teachers were successful in creating an integrated curriculum when they were able to use their own interpretation, connections, and vision. Findings also suggest that the teachers’ construction of an integrated curriculum is different from that of academics. Academics and other experts should allow teachers to use their own interpretation, connection and vision, and respect their autonomy. With that foundation, academics and teachers can collaborate with fruitful results.
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