
The Survey of Junior High School Students Online Reading Literacy

Kuei-Lin Chang

所屬期刊: 第8卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol029_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2012
作者: 張貴琳
作者(英文): Kuei-Lin Chang
論文名稱: 國中學生線上閱讀素養發展現況調查
論文名稱(英文): The Survey of Junior High School Students Online Reading Literacy
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 閱讀素養;ICT;線上閱讀素養;Rasch模式;數位典藏
英文關鍵字: reading literacy;ICT, online reading literacy;Rasch model;digital archive resource
服務單位: 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室博士後研究員
稿件字數: 15137
作者專長: 測驗與評量
投稿日期: 2012/2/15
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摘要(中文): 本研究兼顧閱讀素養構念和資訊與通訊科技(ICT)媒介特色,發展國中學生線上閱讀素養評量工具,同時描述國中學生的線上閱讀素養發展現況。線上閱讀素養評量以PISA電子閱讀評量架構為主要依據,評量素材取自數位典藏資源,測驗系統架構在WWW平台,虛擬線上閱讀環境。研究中以臺南市地區601位國中二年級學生為常模樣本,使用Rasch試題反應模式進行題目參數估計與受試者量尺分數估計,並以描述統計呈現全體學生的線上閱讀素養表現概況。結果顯示:(1)線上閱讀素養評量工具的難度適中,呈現良好的幅合與區別效度。(2)全體國二學生的線上閱讀素養表現中等,多數學生達水準3,能擷取單一網頁的明確資訊、跨數個網頁擷取一到多個資訊、整合數個指定網頁的明確資訊或搜尋問題關連的網頁,評鑑線上資訊的表現相對較不理想。未來研究宜擴充評量題庫,以提供更精確的測量,同時針對導航表現進行計分,釐清線上閱讀素養的導航內涵。加強青少年線上文本資訊的批判素養將是提升線上閱讀素養表現的重要方向。
摘要(英文): The purpose of this study is to develop an online reading literacy assessment by adopting construct of reading literacy and information and communication technology, and to portrait junior high school students’ online reading literacy performance. The online reading literacy assessment is based on the PISA electronic reading assessment framework, questions containing two units from digital archive resource that are placed on the Internet. A total of 601 second graders of junior high school in Tainan City participated in this study. This study uses Rasch IRT model to calibrate the item parameter and scale scores. Descriptive statistics analysis is also used to present the online reading performance. The results indicated: (1) online reading literacy assessments had adequate difficulty level, reasonable convergent, and discriminant validity; (2) majority of students’ proficiency falls into level 3. Future studies may broaden the item bank of online reading literacy assessment and provide the navigation scoring. Promoting adolescents’ critical literacy of online reading is an important aspect for improving their online reading performance.
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