
A Case Study of Turnaround Leadership Experiences in a Large Urban Elementary School

Chih-Feng Lai

所屬期刊: 第8卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol030_02
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2012
作者: 賴志峰
作者(英文): Chih-Feng Lai
論文名稱: 都市大型國民小學重建領導經驗之個案研究
論文名稱(英文): A Case Study of Turnaround Leadership Experiences in a Large Urban Elementary School
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 都市學校領導;重建領導;家長式領導
英文關鍵字: urban school l leadership;turnaround leadership;paternalistic leadership
服務單位: 逢甲大學公共政策研究所副教授
稿件字數: 20383
作者專長: 教育領導、教育政策 、教育行政、質性研究
投稿日期: 2012/5/9
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摘要(中文): 都市大型學校面臨複雜的環境,校長經常面臨許多挑戰與困難,都市學校領導的研究逐漸受到關注。本研究為質性個案研究,選取臺灣都會地區一所大型公立國民小學為研究對象,以訪談、參與觀察和文件分析進行資料蒐集。該校曾擁有輝煌的歷史,但過去幾年的聲望比較低迷的,校長上任之後,領導學校迅速建立辦學特色,重現學校風華與聲望,展現成功的重建領導。本研究有三個主要發現,首先,校長具有刻苦耐勞、嚴謹正直的個人特質,以及深厚的法學素養,鍛鍊出清晰思路的表達能力。其次,校長具有家長式領導風格,並運用漸近目標、資訊科技、課程與教學領導等作為,強化行政團隊及教學團隊,營造團結和優質環境。最後,校長領導的成效,廣泛獲得內外部的肯定,但都市學校教師的專業自主較高,對於校長的領導風格,難免有兩極的評價。
摘要(英文): Due to the complicated settings of large urban schools, principals from urban schools are often confronted with challenges and difficulties. Consequently, research on urban school leaders has gradually aroused academic attention. This article reports the findings of a qualitative study with a large urban public elementary school as its subject. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and document analysis. Despite its splendid history, the case school has been on the decline in recent years. After his assumption of duty, the principal of the case school devoted himself to developing the school features and demonstrating successful turnaround leadership; thus, the school regained its previous reputation. First, in addition to diligence and a candid spirit, the principal has a background in law and strong communication skills. Second, the principal adopts paternalistic leadership, in addition to strategies such as setting progressive goals, utilizing information technology, and demonstrating curricular and instructional leadership, to develop a professional administration, teaching staff, and a harmonious and high-quality campus. Finally, the leadership effectiveness of the principal earns intramural and extramural recognition; however, because of the high professional autonomy of teachers in urban schools, the leadership styles of the principal inevitably receive mixed reviews.
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