
I Write therefore I Am: A Study of the Implementation of Case Writing in Educational Administration and Leadership Program

Cheng-Hung Chen

所屬期刊: 第8卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol030_03
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2012
作者: 陳成宏
作者(英文): Cheng-Hung Chen
論文名稱: 我寫故我在:案例撰寫在教育行政與領導學程的實施探討
論文名稱(英文): I Write therefore I Am: A Study of the Implementation of Case Writing in Educational Administration and Leadership Program
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 案例撰寫;案例教學法;教育行政與領導
英文關鍵字: case writing;case method;educational administration and leadership
服務單位: 國立東華大學教育行政與管理學系副教授
稿件字數: 19676
作者專長: 教育行政、教育領導、教育變革、行政管理
投稿日期: 2012/6/21
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摘要(中文): 案例教學法發軔於法學教育,但卻能一路挺進勝出,逐步受到其他不同學門的青睞,自當有其引領流行、獲致各家共鳴的獨特策略。而近年來正方興未艾,崛起於教育行政與領導人才培育學程的案例教學法即是案例撰寫。本研究採用質性的行動研究方法,以研究者所服務的教育行政與領導學程為教學現場,透過案例撰寫的融入教學歷程,發展行政與領導相關課程的教學方向,以及初步探討其對於學員所產生的行政領導知能的可能影響。根據研究發現,學程學員的行政領導知能新體驗,分別展現在「多元架構的思維」、「理論實務的對話」、「共時貫時的反思」三方面。本研究據以提出若干建議供教育人員與未來研究做參考。
摘要(英文): In recent years, the pedagogy of case writing has being increasingly adopted in enhancing the teaching in the educational administrators and leaders preparation program. Employing a qualitative action research methodology, this study investigated the field of educational administration and leadership program where the author has served, incorporating the case writing into the instructional process, developing the direction of curriculum, and monitoring how it affects cohorts’ leadership skills and intelligences. Based on the results, the new understanding of cohorts emerged in the three themes of “multiple framework thoughts,” “dialogue between theory and practice,” as well as “diachronic and synchronic reflection.” This study concluded by proposing several suggestions for educators and researchers in the future.
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