
The Era of American National Curriculum: Inquiry on the Common Core State Standards

Chia-Lin Chang


所屬期刊: 第9卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol033_01
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2013
作者: 張佳琳
作者(英文): Chia-Lin Chang
論文名稱: 美國國家課程時代的來臨:各州共同核心標準之探究
論文名稱(英文): The Era of American National Curriculum: Inquiry on the Common Core State Standards
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 各州共同核心標準;共同評量;國家課程;大學與職涯準備度;定錨標準
英文關鍵字: Common Core State Standards;common assessment;national curriculum;college and career readiness;anchor standard
服務單位: 駐美國代表處教育組副組長
稿件字數: 0
作者專長: 課程與教學
投稿日期: 2013/2/22
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 美國前所未有的各州共同核心標準於2010年6月2日公布,迄今已有46個州、華盛頓特區、4個領地及國防部教育處採用,影響幾乎遍及全美。本文探討發現,各州共同核心標準推展之重要因素有三:關鍵團體的倡議與背書、聯邦競爭性策略的運用、各州的採納與行動;本文並分析該英語文標準與數學標準架構與內涵及共同評量規劃方向,其中,英語文標準係以大學與職涯準備度定錨標準為聽、說、讀、寫標準定位,重視文本複雜度、非小說類文學與資訊文本,並強調不同學科教師均有提升學生讀寫能力之共享責任;數學標準分為數學實踐標準及數學內容標準二層次,強調聚焦、一貫與嚴謹三原則,兼重概念理解與實作應用;對應於該共同標準之共同評量則預計於2014年正式實施,將採線上測驗。各州共同核心標準改革之影響包括:挑戰國家課程的可能性、鬆動聯邦與地方教育權限、建立標準管理之績效責任系統、帶動非營利組織教育參與、標舉大學與職涯準備度作為各級教育核心;而其足供我借鑑之處在於:學前至高中課程的ㄧ貫與嚴謹、大學與職涯準備度的目標與定錨、評量及標準的同步校準與改革、不同學科教師提升讀寫能力的共享責任與合作、非營利組織凝聚中央與地方教育資源與網絡。
摘要(英文): The first ever Common Core State Standards have been adopted by forty-six states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense. The standards will affect most of K-12 students in the United States. According to the findings of this research the making factors for the CCSS include the initiative and endorsement of key groups, competitive strategies from Federal government and adopting action from the individual states. Basically, the Standards use College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards to anchor the Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The Standards emphasize the importance of text complexity, nonfiction and information text and view that not only language teachers but also content areas’ teachers have shared responsibility for literacy. As for the Math Standards, which are comprised in Standards for Mathematical Practice and Standards for Mathematical Content, they emphasize the principles of Focus, Coherence and Rigor, highlight the importance of both concept understanding and process, and practical application. The Common Assessment will be implemented in 2014 through computer online testing. The influences of the Common Core include: challenging the possibility of National Curriculum, blurring the boundary of education authority between Federal government and the states, emphasizing the accountability of standard management, encouraging education engagement among nonprofit organization, integrating the goal of education system through college and career readiness. The lessons we can draw from CCSS include: the coherence and rigor of K-12 standards, the goals and anchors of college and career readiness, alignment reform with standards and assessment, shared-responsibility for literacy, the model of state/federal cooperation through nonprofit engagement.
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