
Analysis on the Use of Learning Strategies in Children and Adolescents

Yun-Hsia Liang;Yun-Shan Chen


所屬期刊: 第9卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol033_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2013
作者: 梁雲霞;陳芸珊
作者(英文): Yun-Hsia Liang;Yun-Shan Chen
論文名稱: 國中小學生學習策略使用之分析
論文名稱(英文): Analysis on the Use of Learning Strategies in Children and Adolescents
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 學習策略;國中小學生;策略使用
英文關鍵字: learning strategies;elementary and secondary students;strategy use
服務單位: 臺北市立教育大學教育系副教授;臺北市內湖區明湖國民小學教師
稿件字數: 20625
作者專長: 認知與發展、讀寫研究、學習策略
投稿日期: 2013/3/2
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在探討發展關鍵時期的國中小學生在學習策略上的使用情形。本研究首先修訂學習策略量表,進而以國小四、六與國中八年級學生(共797人)為樣本,並針對性別和學習成就上的不同,進一步分析策略使用上的現象。結果發現:中小學生的策略使用,隨著年級升高卻趨於下降,且「自我監控」策略在各年級中使用最低。其次,女生使用較多的「自我鼓勵與堅持」策略,但在其他層面的策略使用上無顯著差異。另一個重要的發現是:高學業成就的學生在不同年級均使用較多的學習策略,但低成就組學生隨著年級升高,策略使用越來越少,即使在「尋求協助」策略上也呈現下降。本文針對研究發現加以討論並提出建議。
摘要(英文): The aims of this study were to investigate the use of learning strategies in children and adolescents, and to analyze the effect of gender and academic achievement on strategy use. Participants were 797 students from grades 4, 6, and 8. The results showed that students’ use of learning strategies tended to decline as the grade level go up; moreover, the use of “self-monitoring” strategy was the lowest in all grades. Female students used more “self-encouragement and persistence” strategy than male students, but no significant differences were found in other categories. Students with higher academic achievement used more learning strategies; however, lower-achievement group of students used learning strategies less and less as they moved from elementary to secondary school, even the use of “seeking help” strategy showed decline. Based on the results of this study, suggestions for educators and future research were provided in the article.
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