
Research on Hong Kong Chinese Language Teachers’ Understanding of the Aims and Practice of Giving Students Feedback

Pui-Lee Liu


所屬期刊: 第9卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol033_03
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2013
作者: 廖佩莉
作者(英文): Pui-Lee Liu
論文名稱: 香港中國語文教師對於給予學生「回饋」的認識與實施現況之研究
論文名稱(英文): Research on Hong Kong Chinese Language Teachers’ Understanding of the Aims and Practice of Giving Students Feedback
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 促進學習的評估;回饋;香港;中國語文;學習理論
英文關鍵字: assessment for learning, feedback;Hong Kong;Chinese language;learning theory
服務單位: 香港教育學院中國語言學系助理教授
稿件字數: 15140
作者專長: 促進學習的評估、教師教育
投稿日期: 2012/11/5
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在探討香港中國語文教師對給予學生回饋目的的認識和實施情況。研究採用定量研究和定性研究兩種調查方式。研究對象是香港中小學中文科教師。研究發現香港大部分教師是從學生角度去理解給予回饋的目的,但卻缺乏從教師和師生互動的觀點來探究。研究又發現中文科教師給予學生出的回饋是「質」「量」(指書面/口頭,分數/等級的回饋)並重的,但在實踐上卻出現理念與實踐的三個弔詭現象:1.教師認同給予學生回饋的重要性,但是教師卻不懂得怎樣給予學生有素質的口頭和書面回饋;2. 大多數教師認同他們給予學生回饋能指導學習方向的重要性,也能向學生提供具體的改善方法,但有四成多教師給予學生回饋後,很少再作跟進;3.教師認同回饋能提升學生的反思能力,但教師在寫作範疇上給予學生的書面回饋卻是由教師主導。本研究最後提出一些建議。
摘要(英文): This study helps to explore Hong Kong teachers’ understanding the aims of giving students’ feedback and how they practice it. The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, with data being collected through questionnaires and interviews. Findings indicate that most Chinese language teachers have the students’ perspectives to understand of the aims of giving feedback to students, but lack of exploring the perspectives of teachers, teacher and students interaction of giving feedback. It is shown that many teachers have done in giving both oral/written feedback, marks/ grades feedback for students. However, some paradoxes exists: 1.teachers recognize the importance of giving feedback, but they do not know how to give good quality of oral and written feedback to students; 2. most teachers can give students feedback with suggestions for improving their work, but more than 40% teachers do not follow up how students improve; 3.teachers recognize that students should develop their self-reflection abilities, but teachers’ written feedback for students in their compositions are teacher-centered. Then students have less opportunity to reflect what they learn. Some suggestions are made at the end of the paper.
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