
A Study of Shared-Book Reading Instruction on Reading Attitude and Reading Comprehension of the Elementary Second Grade Students

Shu-Hua Lu;Fen-Fen Chang


所屬期刊: 第9卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol033_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2013
作者: 呂淑華;張芬芬
作者(英文): Shu-Hua Lu;Fen-Fen Chang
論文名稱: 分享式閱讀教學對國小二年級學童閱讀態度及理解之成效研究
論文名稱(英文): A Study of Shared-Book Reading Instruction on Reading Attitude and Reading Comprehension of the Elementary Second Grade Students
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵字: 分享式閱讀教學;閱讀態度;閱讀理解
英文關鍵字: shared-book reading instruction;reading attitude;reading comprehension
服務單位: 臺北市士林區百齡國民小學教師;臺北市立教育大學學習與媒材設計學系教授
稿件字數: 15305
作者專長: 質性研究方法論、教育研究法、潛在課程、師資培育
投稿日期: 2012/1/4
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本研究想了解「分享式閱讀教學」(SRI)是否適用於國小二年級,期盼掌握閱讀學習重要時期,為國小低年級找到有效的閱讀教學法。SRI係源自家庭,後延伸於幼稚園與特教生的閱讀教學法,強調師生分享、同儕分享、趣味分享、共學分享、自願分享、說談分享。國內將此教學法用於低年級者尚不多見,且研究結果分歧。而本研究目的即在探究SRI究竟對小二學童閱讀態度與閱讀理解是否具成效。採較能確認因果的準實驗設計,以北部某國小二年級的兩班學生為研究對象,一為實驗組,一為控制組。研究證實SRI有助於提升小二一般生的閱讀態度與閱讀理解,值得推廣。
摘要(英文): This study aims to investigate the effects of shared-book reading instruction (SRI) on reading attitude and reading comprehension of the second grade students. Quasi-experimental design was adopted in the study. The participants were 2 classes of second grade students in an elementary school. The experiment lasted 8 weeks including 16 lessons in each class. Research tools include “Reading Attitude Scale” and “Test of Reading Comprehension”, the students were tested twice, before and right after the experiment. The major findings of this study were as the following: 1) SRI contributed to elevate the reading attitude of second grade students. 2) SRI contributed to elevate the reading comprehension of second grade students. Based on these findings, suggestions are proposed.
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