
A Study on the Development of Faculty Evaluation Influence Assessment Scale for Universities of Science and Technology

Yuan-Ning Chang


所屬期刊: 第9卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol034_01
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2013
作者: 張媛甯
作者(英文): Yuan-Ning Chang
論文名稱: 科技大學教師評鑑影響性評估量表發展之研究
論文名稱(英文): A Study on the Development of Faculty Evaluation Influence Assessment Scale for Universities of Science and Technology
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 教師評鑑;評鑑影響性;驗證性因素分析
英文關鍵字: confirmatory factor analysis;evaluation influence;faculty evaluation
服務單位: 南臺科技大學教育領導與評鑑研究所副教授
稿件字數: 19715
作者專長: 教育行政、各國教育評鑑研究、教師評鑑
投稿日期: 2013/5/10
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在發展科技大學教師評鑑影響性之評估量表,透過文獻探討分析國內外有關教師評鑑與評鑑影響性的理論與實務,以建立構念和發展題項,經過專家學者修正與項目分析來進行題項的篩選與確認,建立初步的量表結構與測量題項。本研究立意抽樣七所科技大學之教師為施測對象,有效問卷共247份,首先運用探索性因素分析以純化測量工具,再透過驗證性因素分析進行競爭模式的比較以選擇最簡效模式,繼而進行該模式的信效度檢定。研究結果發現,本量表
摘要(英文): The purpose of this study was to develop faculty evaluation influence assessment scale for universities of science and technology. The construct and measuring items were developed according to the literature review of faculty evaluation and evaluation influence. After experts’ modifications and item analysis, the factor structure and items of the preliminary scale were confirmed. After collecting 247 samples from seven universities of science and technology,
exploratory factor analysis was first conducted to purify the dimensions and measuring items of faculty evaluation influence. Secondly, confirmatory factor analysis was employed to choose the
best model by comparisons of model fits, and further its reliability and validity was tested. Results showed that the two-hierarchical factor structure of the scale was verified, and its goodness-offitness
conformed to standard. The 35 items were divided into three subscales which included evaluation input, evaluation activity and evaluation influence, and each subscale had 3 latent variables. Lastly, suggestions were offered for universities of science and technology and future research.
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