
On the Research of Infusing Civic Literacy into a General Education Curriculum: An Example of“Self-Exploring within a Multicultural Context”

Min-Hsiung Hsu


所屬期刊: 第9卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol034_03
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2013
作者: 徐敏雄
作者(英文): Min-Hsiung Hsu
論文名稱: 公民素養融入大學通識課程之實踐經驗研究:以「探究多元文化中的自我」課程為例
論文名稱(英文): On the Research of Infusing Civic Literacy into a General Education Curriculum: An Example of“Self-Exploring within a Multicultural Context”
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 公民素養;通識教育;課程與教學;融入式課程
英文關鍵字: civic literacy;general education;curriculum and instruction
服務單位: 國立暨南國際大學成人與繼續教育研究所副教授
稿件字數: 20000
作者專長: 成人教育社會學、社區教育、團體工作、生命教育、成人學習與教學
投稿日期: 2013/4/17
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摘要(中文): 為瞭解公民素養如何融入通識教育,本文以研究者開授之「探究多元文化中的自我」課程為例,將公民素養融入其中,並以質性研究方法記錄實踐過程。研究發現,教師若能善用電影廣告媒體、與學生切身相關議題,或足以引發生命反思與情緒感動的媒材,便可讓學生在經驗與價值碰撞過程中擴展知識與經驗,覺察自己、他人與外在社會文化框架的權力關係。若欲將課程成效發揮更佳,教師還必需在適當課程主題與團體氛圍下,適切地融合多元教學設計,才能讓學生因曖昧與衝突的價值與經驗碰撞,學習理性表達、尊重、包容等民主素養,反思各種社會與生命倫理、生活與身體美學,以及媒體意識型態之合理性。
摘要(英文): In order to understand the possible strategies and their effects of nurturing civic literacy from the curriculum of general education, I took an example from the class of “Self-exploring within a multicultural context” taught by myself in the general education center, with qualitative research method, to record whole practice processes. The findings were that if making use of movies and commercial films, troubling issues that are pertinent to the students, or materials that are sufficient to trigger reflection on life, there were chances for students to make their own
interpretations and constructions with one another, with possibility to expand knowledge and experiences, as well as the values presetting and power structures among oneself, other people and society. Besides this, if to extend better effects on the implementation of curriculum, there were requirements to make auxiliary of teaching designs, such as lecture, Socratic teaching, guided and groups discussions, role play and cooperative learning et al. During the process due to differences, as well as the collision of vague and conflicting values and experiences, students might learn the
literacy of democracy such as rational expression, respect and tolerance, and reflect on the various kinds of social and human ethics, life and body aesthetics, and the rationality of ideology implied in the media.
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