
Development of the Multiple Intelligences Occupational Scale

Gin-Fon Ju


所屬期刊: 第9卷第4期 「測驗與評量」
系統編號: vol035_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2013
作者: 朱錦鳳
作者(英文): Gin-Fon Ju
論文名稱: 多元智能職涯探索量表之發展
論文名稱(英文): Development of the Multiple Intelligences Occupational Scale
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: Gardner;多元智能理論;多元智能職涯探索量表;Holland;六角形理論
英文關鍵字: Gardner;multiple intelligences theory;the Multiple Intelligences Occupational Scale;Holland;hexagon theory
服務單位: 東吳大學心理系副教授
稿件字數: 18378
作者專長: 計量心理學、心理測驗、量表編製、電腦適性評量
投稿日期: 2012/10/15
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 一個人未來的成就與其天生智能、人格特質及後天學習息息相關;一個人的成就高低與其喜好、能力、人格特質及環境適配也有其絕對關係。本研究旨在發展一份兼具Gardner提出的多元智能理論及Holland提出的六角形職能理論共同特色,並能兼顧受試者之智能、興趣及人格特質綜合評估的多元智能職涯探索量表。研究結果顯示多元智能職涯探索量表經焦點訪談編撰題目後歷經兩次項目分析修正後定稿,並進行Cronbach’s α及再測信度的信度分析,及內容效度、建構效度、效標關聯效度等效度驗證,結果皆符合理論架構及預期。多元智能職涯探索量表未來期能鼓勵學校教育因材施教,達到開發個別優勢特長的目標,並對即將畢業之學生發揮生涯探索及規劃的功能。
摘要(英文): A person’s achievement is related to his/her intelligences, interest, and personality. Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory supports the mutually interactive contribution of intelligences, personality and education, as it emphasizes individualized learning to maximize his/her potential. Besides, Holland, who has been devoted to career survey and created a hexagon theory, has also mentioned that our personality, interest, ability, and environment are all critical variables for our success. The purpose of the research is to develop the Multiple Intelligences Occupational Scale (MIOS) which consists of all of the three attributions (intelligences, interest and personality) together. The MIOS processed the complete procedures of scaling development, two stages of item analysis, reliability and validity verification. The results all yielded the predicted perspectives. The MIOS is expected to be a useful scale for senior students searching for suitable career choice.
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