
Collaborative Effects of Cooperating Teachers, University Supervisors, and Peer Coaches in Preservice Teachers’ Field Experiences

Hsiu-Lien Lu


所屬期刊: 第10卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」
系統編號: vol036_01
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2014
作者: 呂秀蓮
作者(英文): Hsiu-Lien Lu
論文名稱: 學校合作老師,大學視導員與相互觀察的師資生協同輔助實習生學習的影響研究
論文名稱(英文): Collaborative Effects of Cooperating Teachers, University Supervisors, and Peer Coaches in Preservice Teachers’ Field Experiences
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 同儕視導員;合作老師;大學視導員;同儕視導;實習經驗
英文關鍵字: peer coaching;peer coach;cooperating teachers;university supervisors;student teaching
服務單位: 美國喬治亞南方大學教學與學習學系副教授
稿件字數: 10426
作者專長: 師資培育和學校改進
投稿日期: 2013/11/27
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摘要(中文): 文獻上,少有針對職前教師實習經驗,同時搭配三種人員協同合作輔助的報導。這三種輔助人員包括學校合作老師,大學視導員,和同儕互導的師資生。這種現象,可能是源於文獻上缺乏研究的證據,來支持這三種角色協同合作輔助實習生學習的影響。針對文獻上的需要,這篇文章,目的在報導一項針對這三種角色協同合作影響的研究。這項問卷研究有114位有效的參與者,包括了三個群組:學校合作老師(n=50),大學視導員(n=12),和同儕互導的師資生(n=52) 。具體地說,這研究探討了兩個問題:(一)在教學學習,臨床視導,和情緒支持三方面,這三種角色在成效上有沒有重大的差別?(二)這三個群組,對三種角色成效的評量,有否重大差別?針對第一項問題,本研究使用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA,Tukey, p < .05)來測試資料。第二個問題,則用多因子變異數分析(MANOVA,Sheffe, p < .05) 來檢視資料。研究結果顯示,每一種角色,在幫助職前教師實習的經驗上,有其獨特的貢獻。本研究的結論是,這三種輔助角色的協同合作,有利於職前教師的實習學習和經驗。文中,針對研究建議,有深入探討。
摘要(英文): A preservice field experience supported by three supervisory components, namely the cooperating teacher, the university supervisor, and the peer coach; is scarcely documented in initial teacher preparation, a phenomenon that may result from a missing of empirical evidence indicating the collaborative effects of the three roles. This paper reports the results of a survey study with 114 participants, including cooperating teachers (n=50), university supervisors (n=12), and preservice teachers (n=52), to investigate the effects of the three roles in the student teaching experience. Specifically, this study examines (a) whether there are significant differences in the effects of the three roles in the areas of learning to teach, clinical supervision, and emotional needs; and (b) whether there are significant differences in the ratings of the three participants on the effects of the three roles in the three areas. This study used ANOVA testing and Tukey paired-wise comparisons to analyze data and respond to the first question and MANOVA testing and Scheffe paired-wise comparisons to find the answer to the second question. The results indicate that each player has a distinct role in supporting student teachers and that the inclusion of all three players benefits the overall experience of student teachers. More implications are discussed.
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