
A Study on the Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Preschool Teachers’ Job Behavior in Taiwan

ChunnYing Lin;Wan-Ling Hsieh;Ya-Heng Hsieh


所屬期刊: 第10卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」
系統編號: vol036_03
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2014
作者: 林俊瑩;謝宛伶;謝亞恆
作者(英文): ChunnYing Lin;Wan-Ling Hsieh;Ya-Heng Hsieh
論文名稱: 臺灣地區學前階段教師心理契約違犯對工作行為的影響
論文名稱(英文): A Study on the Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Preschool Teachers’ Job Behavior in Taiwan
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵字: 心理契約違犯;負向情緒;組織承諾;工作行為;學前教師
英文關鍵字: psychological contract breach;negative emotion;organizational commitment;job behavior;preschool teacher
服務單位: 國立東華大學幼兒教育學系副教授;經國管理暨健康學院附設幼兒園教保員;仁德醫護管理專科學校幼兒保育科助理教授
稿件字數: 19991
作者專長: 教育經營與管理、幼兒教育議題研究 、教育社會學、學校組織行為
投稿日期: 2012/5/17
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摘要(中文): 許多研究關注於如何促進組織成員出現更多有利組織的行為,但如何降低員工組織退卻行為,避免對組織發展的負面影響,卻沒有受到太大的關注,特別是對於啟蒙階段的學前教育,相關研究更少見。本研究根據相關文獻與實證研究,要探討心理契約違犯對學前教師工作行為的影響機制,這包括了組織公民行為與組織退卻行為,並納入了「負向情緒」、「組織承諾」等變項,更細緻地來解釋其中的關聯性。本研究於2010年針對全臺灣地區公私立幼稚園與托兒所的學前教師進行問卷調查,資料統計分析上使用了描述性統計和結構方程模式等方法。研究結果顯示:學前教師的心理契約違犯程度頗為嚴重。另外,組織公民行為還算是積極,不過,學前教師也常常會有另謀工作的念頭,工作怠惰的情形也不算低。進一步分析發現:學前教師心理契約違犯的程度越高,越會產生負面情緒,會降低其組織承諾,進而有損其組織公民行為的積極度,並且會提高學前老師離職的傾向。而心理契約違犯程度越高,負面情緒也越嚴重,也會使老師容易產生工作不努力的狀況,這樣的路徑影響則不需透過組織承諾的中介作用即可產生。由此來看,園所若沒有提供給學前教師好的工作條件與環境,就必需付出相當大的代價,為園所的發展帶來不利的影響。
摘要(英文): A large amount of research has documented how to induce employees’ pro-organizational behavior. However, there is relatively little research on how to reduce employees’ organizational withdrawal behavior and avoid its negative impact on the organization, especially with a focus on employees engaged in preschool education. Through literature review and empirical research, this paper investigated how psychological contract breach influences preschool teachers’ job behavior, including organizational citizenship behavior and organizational withdrawal behavior. Variables including “negative emotions” and “organizational commitment” were also included in the model to better capture the relationship among them. A questionnaire survey was administered to preschool teachers from both public and private kindergartens in Taiwan during 2010, and the statistical methods, consisting of descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling, were adopted to analyze the research data. Results showed: The degree of psychological contract breach of preschool teachers was serious. Despite being dedicated to organizational citizenship behavior, most preschool teachers had switching intentions and withheld efforts from time to time. Further analysis found: the higher the degree of preschool teachers’ psychological contract breach, the more negative emotions are produced, finally reducing the organizational commitment, resulting in less dedication to organizational citizenship behavior and higher turnover intention. In addition, higher psychological contract breach also caused more negative emotions and effort-withholding behavior. This influence path existed even without moderation of organizational commitment. Hence, the cost of not providing teachers with good work conditions and environment as promised is considerable for preschools.
參考文獻: 內政部(2003)。兒童及少年福利法。臺北市:行政院。
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