
Kindergarten Literacy Environment and First Graders’ Reading Performance

Pei-Yu Lin;Yi-Ting Tsai


所屬期刊: 第10卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol037_01
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2014
作者: 林珮(人予);蔡邑庭
作者(英文): Pei-Yu Lin;Yi-Ting Tsai
論文名稱: 小一學童的基礎閱讀表現與幼兒園閱讀素養環境的關聯
論文名稱(英文): Kindergarten Literacy Environment and First Graders’ Reading Performance
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 中文識字;幼兒語文發展;注音符號;閱讀理解;閱讀素養環境
英文關鍵字: Chinese reading comprehension;Chinese word reading;early literacy develop-ment;literacy environment;phonetic symbols
服務單位: 國立臺中教育大學幼兒教育學系副教授;國立臺中教育大學幼兒教育學系研究所研究生
稿件字數: 19840
作者專長: 幼兒語言發展與學習、 遊戲理論與運用
投稿日期: 2013/10/28
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摘要(中文): 本研究檢視小一學童的閱讀能力與幼兒園所經歷的閱讀素養環境有何關聯,研究對象共290位小一學童,來自臺灣非都會區的一所小學。本研究除了蒐集研究對象在閱讀理解、注音、識字,三項測驗的表現,兩位研究者並且進入研究對象就讀的13所幼兒園,實地觀察、訪問,蒐集文本資料,發展幼兒園閱讀素養環境評量表,並依據觀察、訪談和文件資料,評量幼兒園閱讀素養環境五面向的特徵,包括:課室環境、語文材料、語文活動舉行的慣例性、音韻經驗,以及各類語文活動五面向。本研究採集群分析,區分出幼兒園閱讀素養環境的潛在型態,結果顯示小一學童的閱讀表現,會依其家庭社經地位而有差異,控制社經地位的影響後,小一學童在三項基礎閱讀技能的表現,仍依幼兒園閱讀素養環境的不同型態,而有差異,顯示幼兒園閱讀素養環境對於非都會區幼兒語文發展的重要性。
摘要(英文): This study presents the latent patterns of kindergarten literacy environment and examines the relationships of these patterns to the first graders’ basic reading skills. The participants were 290 first graders from one elementary school in a non-metropolitan area of Taiwan. The evaluation of 13 kindergartens which the participants attended was conducted via the self-developed Kindergarten Literacy Environment Scale. The items of the scale reflected the phenomena perceived by the researchers through triangulating their observations, interviews and collection of artifacts in the field. Five aspects of the literacy environment were evaluated, including physical environment, text materials, literacy routines, literacy activities, and phonological activities. A cluster analysis was conducted to display the latent patterns of the literacy environment. The findings indicate the differences of SES in the three test scores of phonetic symbols, Chinese word recognition, and reading comprehension. After the SES was controlled as a covariate, the differences of the latent patterns of kindergarten literacy environment in the three reading tests were still found. The results underscore the importance of kindergarten literacy environment in Chinese early literacy development.
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