The Development and Application of Contemporary Distributed Leadership in the Field of Education Leadership
Chien-Chih Chen;Chiao-Ju Chung
Chien-Chih Chen;Chiao-Ju Chung
所屬期刊: |
第10卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」 主編:國立臺灣師範大學教育政策與行政研究所名譽教授 謝文全 |
系統編號: | vol038_01 |
主題: | 教育政策與制度 |
出版年份: | 2014 |
作者: | 陳建志;鐘巧如 |
作者(英文): | Chien-Chih Chen;Chiao-Ju Chung |
論文名稱: | 當代分布式領導在教育領導之發展與應用 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Development and Application of Contemporary Distributed Leadership in the Field of Education Leadership |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
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論文頁數: | 24 |
中文關鍵字: | 分布式領導;領導發展;學校效能 |
英文關鍵字: | distributed leadership;leadership development;school effectiveness |
服務單位: | 國立政治大學教育學系博士/屏東縣餉潭國小教師;國立政治大學教育學系博士生/新北市政府教育局督學 |
稿件字數: | 17082 |
作者專長: | 教育行政、教育統計 |
投稿日期: | 2014/6/3 |
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摘要(中文): | 分布式領導一詞目前在教育領導領域中廣泛的使用,透過分享權力的策略,學校領導者對學校的權力進行解構與重構,領導者觀察學校權力關係的改變、利益關係的形成以及價值信念是否因教育改革而產生改變,因此可知分布式領導確實顯著影響校園氛圍。然而,分布式領導的定義相當多元,其與教育領導發展之強力連結也有所不足。因此本研究的目標在討論分布式領導的理論性依據,及其連結到實務問題的核心,歸納出分布式領導有四種常見之應用面向,包括分布式領導的理論實踐和三個在學校中運用分布式領導提升學校效能的策略及相關爭議。最後,依據文獻評述以及四種應用面向提出相關研究建議。 |
摘要(英文): | The term ‘distributed leadership’ is now widely used in the field of educational leadership. Through the strategies of sharing power, leaders deconstruct and reconstruct the power structure in the school. Leaders observe the changes of school’s power relationship, the formation of beneficial relationships, and if the value beliefs change along with educational reform. Hence, we observe that distributed leadership can significantly affect campus atmosphere. However, there is disagreement about what distributed leadership means, and there is no strong link between distributed leadership and educational leadership theory. The goal of this research is to facilitate the debate about how to keep research around distributed leadership theoretically anchored and connected to the problems of practice. There are four common usages of the term ‘distributed leadership’, which include theoretical practice, three prescriptions for how implementing distributed leadership in schools can improve schools’ effectiveness and the relative disputes. Finally, suggestions are offered through the literature review and the four common usages. |
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