Analysis of the New Teaching Performance Assessment System for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-Tertiary Education in Macao
Shirley M. W. Chan
Shirley M. W. Chan
所屬期刊: |
第10卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」 主編:國立臺灣師範大學教育政策與行政研究所名譽教授 謝文全 |
系統編號: | vol038_02 |
主題: | 教育政策與制度 |
出版年份: | 2014 |
作者: | 陳明慧 |
作者(英文): | Shirley M. W. Chan |
論文名稱: | 澳門非高等教育私立學校新教學人員工作表現評核校本制度的分析 |
論文名稱(英文): | Analysis of the New Teaching Performance Assessment System for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-Tertiary Education in Macao |
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最高學歷: | |
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論文頁數: | 32 |
中文關鍵字: | 教學工作表現評核;專業發展;澳門 |
英文關鍵字: | teaching performance assessment;professional development;Macao |
服務單位: | 英國布里斯托大學教育學系博士生 |
稿件字數: | 53431 |
作者專長: | 教育行政、融合教育 |
投稿日期: | 2013/7/22 |
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摘要(中文): | 本文討論及分析在澳門非高等教育私立學校就新實施的《非高等教育私立學校教學人員制度框架》(簡稱私框)而建立的教學人員工作表現評核校本制度。根據升級評鑑的理論框架,分析私框潛在的優勢和劣勢,包括制定統一的職級及薪酬水平,對於最高職級及初入行的老師的不利情況。本文亦以一所私立學校,MASS,作為一個案例研究,討論其根據教育暨青年局所提供的《非高等教育私立學校教學人員工作表現評核校本制度的建立與推行參考資料》制定的新教學人員工作表現評核校本制度。分析顯示其優點包括清楚的評分規範、三角測量、切合目的、獎賞優異表現者;缺點包括評核指標太廣泛、趨中傾向、不適合個別科目、欠缺專業評核員、 形成性評價不足、提前晉升的機會有限、倒流效應。研究結果表明,新校本評核制度有好的和壞的影響,需要作出適當修改,無論是學校管理隊伍和教師均需要時間和培訓,以適應新的制度。 |
摘要(英文): | This paper discusses the launch of school-based teaching performance assessment system under the new System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education (the Framework) in Macao on both private schools and teachers. Based on the theoretical threshold assessment framework, I analyze the potential advantages such as establishing standardized pay and rank system, and disadvantages such as unfavorable condition for teachers at the highest rank and the lowest rank. I study the new school-based teaching performance assessment system of MASS as a case study. It is designed according to the Guidelines for Establishing and Implementing a School-based Teaching Staff Performance Assessment System for Private Schools of Non-tertiary Education provided by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau. I discuss its potential strengths, including a) has clear rubrics, b) includes triangulation approach, c) fits the purpose and d) rewards good performers; and limitations, including a) is too comprehensive, b) has central tendency error, c) is unsuitable for some subjects, d) lacks expert assessors, e) is not formative enough, f) limits chance of promotion in advance and g) has wash back effects. The findings indicate that the new school-based teaching performance assessment system has both good and bad effects, amendments should be carried out, and both school management teams and teachers need time and training to adapt to the new system. |
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