
Education Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: The Study of the Case of the Multilingual Education of Luxembourg and Its Implications

Ruyu Hung


所屬期刊: 第10卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」
系統編號: vol038_05
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2014
作者: 洪如玉
作者(英文): Ruyu Hung
論文名稱: 跨越語言疆界的教育:盧森堡多語教育實踐及其啟示
論文名稱(英文): Education Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: The Study of the Case of the Multilingual Education of Luxembourg and Its Implications
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 盧森堡;教育制度;多語教育;三語教育;國際化
英文關鍵字: Educational institutionalization;Luxembourg;multilingual education;trilingual education;internationalization
服務單位: 國立嘉義大學教育學系教授
稿件字數: 14471
作者專長: 教育哲學、生態思想與教育、人權教育與課程
投稿日期: 2014/5/6
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摘要(中文): 本文主旨在於探討歐洲小國盧森堡大公國的多語教育制度、實施現況、特色與歷史文化背景,提供我國發展國際化與全球化教育的參考。盧森堡官方語言有三種,本文將說明盧森堡多語教育(multilingualism)或三語教育(trilingualism)的實施狀況,並探討其特殊的文化社會歷史背景,做為我國推動教育國際化與全球化之參照。本文提出四點結論如下:一、盧森堡母語確立盧森堡民族之語言文化獨特性;二、盧森堡語為建立盧森堡公民之民族國家認同之基礎;三、多語教育之環境營造盧森堡作為歐洲聯盟核心成員的重要基礎。四、盧森堡多語教育造就語言多元的包容社會文化。並根據上述結論提出五點建議作為我國推動外語教育之參考:一、本土化與國際化為兼容並蓄之辯證性教育方向;二、外語教育之教學方式應加強以外語做為媒介之教學;三、外語課程內容與教學方式彈性化;四、教育國際化所推動之外語教育可加強英語之外的外國語言;五、我國教育應加強鄰近各國之語言教育,以促進對鄰近國家之文化理解。
摘要(英文): Luxembourg is a very small country but has a very international and extremely wealthy society. The country has a very special trilingual school-system, in which most students are educated to master three languages including Luxembourgish, German and French. This paper aims to describe the current language education situation in Luxembourg and to reveal social and historical contexts. There is a close relationship between the multi- or trilingual educational situation and high level of internationalization of Luxembourg. It may not be appropriate to simply transplant the Luxembourgish model on Taiwan. However, the understanding of the context and the current implementation of the Luxembourgish multilingual education may provide great insights for the enhancement of internationalization of education in Taiwan. Overall this paper proposes four conclusions: 1) Luxembourgish is taken as the fortress of identity of Luxembourg culturally, linguistically and politically; 2) Luxembourgish is the basis of the national identity; 3) the multilingual environment makes Luxembourg a core member of the EU; and 4) the multilingual environment makes Luxembourg an inclusive lingual-cultural society. Based on the above, the author makes five suggestions for improving our foreign language education: 1) localization and internationalization should be seen as complementary dialectics; 2) foreign language education should put more attention on the aspect of language as a medium; 3) the curriculum and pedagogy of foreign language education can be more flexible; 4) foreign language education should introduce languages other than English; and 5) languages of neighboring countries should be included in the field of foreign language education to enrich cultural understanding of our students.
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