
Research on Hong Kong’s Primary Chinese Pre-Service Teachers’ Giving of Oral Feedback in the Reading Lessons

Pui-Lee Liu


所屬期刊: 第11卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」
系統編號: vol040_02
主題: 師資培育
出版年份: 2015
作者: 廖佩莉
作者(英文): Pui-Lee Liu
論文名稱: 香港小學中文科準教師在閱讀課給學生口頭回饋之研究
論文名稱(英文): Research on Hong Kong’s Primary Chinese Pre-Service Teachers’ Giving of Oral Feedback in the Reading Lessons
論文頁數: 24
中文關鍵字: 口頭回饋;教師主導的回饋;學生為本的回饋;促進學習的評估;準教師
英文關鍵字: oral feedback;teacher-directed feedback;student-centered feedback;assessment for learning, pre-service teachers
服務單位: 香港教育學院中國語言學系助理教授
稿件字數: 14957
作者專長: 促進學習的評估、教師教育
投稿日期: 2014/9/7
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摘要(中文): 「促進學習的評估」是近年世界各國課程改革的重要項目。實踐「促進學習的評估」的理念,Black 和 William 提議一種常用的方法是教師在日常教學上多注意給予學生回饋。研究者常有機會視導準教師的教學,但他們卻未能有效運用回饋促進學生的學習。因此本研究旨在探討香港中國語文準教師在閱讀課是怎樣給予學生口頭回饋和他們給予學生回饋時做得不足的地方。研究對象是二十位修讀香港教育學院小學榮譽教育學士的準教師,研究者在他們實習期間和他們觀課並進行錄像分析,然後邀請六位作訪談。研究發現大多數準教師給予學生教師主導的回饋,較少運用學生為本的回饋。準教師未能善用學生的回應,也欠缺多元化的追問。本文最後提出建議,希望藉此提升準教師給予學生口頭回饋的效能。
摘要(英文): “Assessment for learning” is regarded as an important issue in recent educational reform in the world. Black and William have suggested that one of the methods to implement “Assessment for learning” is to give feedback to students in daily lessons. The researcher has many opportunities to supervise the Chinese Language pre-service teachers during the teaching practice. However, they cannot give feedback to students effectively in the reading lessons. This research aims at finding how the pre-service teachers give feedbacks to students and to explore their shortcomings. Twenty pre-service Chinese Language teachers are invited to participate in this research, their lessons are recorded and analyzed. Six teachers are interviewed. Findings indicate that most pre-service Chinese language teachers use the “teacher-directed feedback”, but seldom use “student-centered feedback”. They cannot fully make use of the diversified chasing questions as feedback to facilitate students’ learning. At the end of the paper, some suggestions are made to the pre-service teachers in order to improve the quality of using oral feedback.
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