A Study on Participating Community of Practice of Primary Teachers on Reading Comprehension Instruction and Their Professional Development
Kwan-Da Huang;Chun Chang;Marn-Ling Shing
Kwan-Da Huang;Chun Chang;Marn-Ling Shing
所屬期刊: |
第11卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」 主編:國立臺灣師範大學教育學教授 周愚文 |
系統編號: | vol040_03 |
主題: | 師資培育 |
出版年份: | 2015 |
作者: | 黃冠達;張純;幸曼玲 |
作者(英文): | Kwan-Da Huang;Chun Chang;Marn-Ling Shing |
論文名稱: | 國小教師參與閱讀理解教學實踐社群與其專業成長之研究 |
論文名稱(英文): | A Study on Participating Community of Practice of Primary Teachers on Reading Comprehension Instruction and Their Professional Development |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
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論文頁數: | 24 |
中文關鍵字: | 實踐社群;閱讀理解教學;教師專業成長 |
英文關鍵字: | community of practice;reading comprehension instruction;teacher’s professional development |
服務單位: | 臺北市立大學教育系博士候選人;臺北市立大學教育系講師;臺北市立大學幼兒教育學系副教授 |
稿件字數: | 16528 |
作者專長: | 閱讀理解教學研究、課程與教學、資訊科技融入教學 |
投稿日期: | 2014/9/26 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 本研究旨在探討國小教師參與閱讀理解教學社群計畫後,能透過設計教案、共同討論、實施教學及再討論等閱讀教學實踐歷程獲得專業成長,並能從社群成員互動及對話中有所省思。本研究根據社會建構論及實踐社群的理念,規劃社群運作方案。本社群包括3位研究人員及6位國小四年級教師,採質性研究方法蒐集相關資料,進行分析後,依據研究發現,提出結論與建議。本研究主要發現如下:(1)成員教師經由自行設計閱讀理解教學活動,在教學上除知道如何教學外,更知道為何要如此教學。(2)成員教師重新認識閱讀理解教學內涵,對教學文本的敏銳度提升。(3)成員教師在教學實踐歷程中雖有壓力,但看見學生的改變,加深教師對閱讀理解教學的信心。(4)成員教師透過社群互動及對話而省思,愈能認識閱讀理解教學策略的內涵。(5)社群運作架構形成支持系統,讓教師對閱讀理解的教學設計能力更具信心,能跳脫自身既有框架。最後,依據研究結果,建議教師應參與社群,在社群互動對話中提升專業;建議社群帶領者,可規劃教學實踐為核心的歷程,幫助教師專業成長。 |
摘要(英文): | This study was to explore how teachers participated in the community of practice and to investigate teachers’ professional development in reading comprehension instruction. Social constructivism and the concept of community of practice were used in the study. In this study, teachers were invited to participate in the community, and share their experience on reading comprehension instruction. Besides the processes of reading instruction, the contents of discussion in the community included teachers’ lesson plans of reading instruction as well. The participants of the community were six teachers and three researchers. Qualitative research approach was used in the study. The major findings were as follows: (1) Compare to teach students using the lesson plans done by the researchers, teachers know better how and why to do the reading comprehension instruction after they designed the lesson plans themselves. (2) Teachers relearned the meaning of reading comprehension and the instruction methods. Moreover, they gained the sensitivity to the texts before reading comprehension instruction. (3) Although the ways of instruction changes were stressful, teachers discovered the change in students which made them more confident in reading comprehension instruction. (4) When teachers were able to reflect on the interactions and sharing experience among teachers in the community, they better understood the instruction strategies. (5) The community is a support system for teachers which allowed them to explore the unknown. The results of the study showed that teachers can benefit from the community of practice. Teachers discussed their practices in the community, shared their experience, and gained new knowledge of practice in the community. |
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