
A Study on the Process of Leadership Development of Mentor Teacher in Taipei

Shu-Li;Wang Nien-Ching Chuang ;Yi-Ku Ting


所屬期刊: 第12卷第1期 「教師培育與專業發展」
系統編號: vol044_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2016
作者: 王淑麗;莊念青;丁一顧
作者(英文): Shu-Li;Wang Nien-Ching Chuang ;Yi-Ku Ting
論文名稱: 臺北市教學輔導教師之教師領導發展歷程之研究
論文名稱(英文): A Study on the Process of Leadership Development of Mentor Teacher in Taipei
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 教學輔導教師;教師領導;發展歷程
英文關鍵字: mentor teacher; teacher leadership; process for mentor teacher leadership development
稿件字數: 19854
作者專長: 教學視導、教師評鑑
投稿日期: 2015/10/13
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在瞭解臺北市教學輔導教師教師領導之發展歷程。研究採取訪談法,研究對象為6 位臺北市優良的教學輔導教師。研究工具為自編之「教師領導發展歷程之研究訪談大綱」。並運用MAXQDA 11 進行質性資料的分析。研究發現包括:一、臺北市教學輔導教師教師領導的能力包括激勵學習、溝通協調、承擔創新與傳承分享等四種主要的能力;二、臺北市教學輔導教師教師領導之發展歷程都是以從教室出發為起點,而後成為領域的領頭羊,繼之擔任教師與行政溝通的橋樑,至此而後,有些教師進入行政實踐理想,發展歷程的最後則都走出校園,發揮對教育更大的影響力;三、臺北市教學輔導教師之教師領導發展歷程的影響因素包括校長的尊重授權、學校的需要時機,團隊的支持與個人勇於挑戰的精神;四、臺北市教學輔導教師之教師領導發展歷程所遭遇之困境多來自同儕因素,包括同儕的不信任、同仁的不配合與同儕的誤會。最後,研究者根據結論,提出相關建議,俾供教師領導推展以及未來研究之參考。
摘要(英文): The main purpose of this study is to explore the process for mentor teacher leadership development in Taipei city. The study was conducted by individual interviews with 6 mentor teachers, where the qualitative data was treated with the help of MAXQDA 11. The main findings are as follows: (1)The capacities of teacher leaders for Taipei mentor teachers include facilitating learning, coordinating communication, innovating and sharing heritage; (2)The journey for mentor teacher leadership development navigates from classroom instructor, head of professional field, coordinator between teachers and administrators, administrator, and eventually expands their leadership experiences beyond the campus; (3)The factors facilitating mentor teacher leadership development include empowerment of the principal, needs for school, support of teams and the encouragement to face challenges; (4)The mentor teachers ordinarily get frustrated by their peers’ attitudes, including peers’ distrust or misunderstanding. In light of the results, suggestions are made to teacher individuals, schools, and as reference for future research.
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