
MOOCs as a Solution for High School Seniors’ College Admission Problems

Chen-Li Huang


所屬期刊: 第12卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol045_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2016
作者: 黃振豊
作者(英文): Chen-Li Huang
論文名稱: 磨課師作為解決高三學生升大學問題的一種方案
論文名稱(英文): MOOCs as a Solution for High School Seniors’ College Admission Problems
語文別: English
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 大學入學; 高三學生; 磨課師; 個人申請入學
英文關鍵字: college admission; high school senior; MOOCs; personal application
服務單位: 國立臺東大學教育學系
稿件字數: 8862
作者專長: 磨課師; 課程與教學; 通識教育
投稿日期: 2016/3/3
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 臺灣高三學生面臨一些大學入學相關問題,如不明瞭大學科系特性與學習,
摘要(英文): High school seniors (HSSs) in Taiwan have encountered several college admission
related problems such as uncertainty about the characteristics and learning in college
departments, the high cost of the admission application process, the spare time between
the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) and commencement of university study,
and unpreparedness for university study. However, both traditional and newly proposed
solutions have shortcomings. To fi nd a better solution, this study draws insight from the
trend of MOOCs and investigates the features of MOOCs based on relevant literature to
evaluate the feasibilities of MOOCs as a new solution. To verify these feasibilities, I put
forward some concerning perspectives and examine them critically. The research fi nds
reasons why MOOCs offer a better solution and infers some practical ways for HSSs
to experience college learning via MOOCs: Browsing MOOCs and finding courses of
interest, learning from the selected courses, thinking refl ectively on one’s own learning
and adapting learning in high school, as well as creating online learning profiles for
personal application and further learning.
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