由OECD 對技術人才培育之倡議談技術型高中培育職場學習力
A Discussion on Developing Learning Ability on Workplace at Technical High Schools based on the OECD-proposed Technician Training Program
Chuan-Shou Hau;
Kuang-Yao Li
Chuan-Shou Hau;
Kuang-Yao Li
所屬期刊: |
第12卷第3期 「教育政策與制度」 主編:淡江大學教育學院院長 張鈿富 |
系統編號: | vol046_01 |
主題: | 教育政策與制度 |
出版年份: | 2016 |
作者: | 許全守;李光耀 |
作者(英文): | Chuan-Shou Hau; Kuang-Yao Li |
論文名稱: | 由OECD 對技術人才培育之倡議談技術型高中培育職場學習力 |
論文名稱(英文): | A Discussion on Developing Learning Ability on Workplace at Technical High Schools based on the OECD-proposed Technician Training Program |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
系所名稱: | |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 24 |
中文關鍵字: | 職能;超越學校的技能;高端科技;高層次技術人力 |
英文關鍵字: | competence; skills beyond school; high-end technologies; high-order workplace |
服務單位: | |
稿件字數: | 15003 |
作者專長: | 技職教育課程與評鑑研究、產業技術能力分析、數控機械技術與電腦科技應用研究 |
投稿日期: | 2015/11/24 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 本文基於先進科技產業高層次技術人力培育之發展取向,探討技術型高中奠 定核心基礎能力與作為。基於OECD 自跨世紀以來關注職場人力培育,陸續提出 《為工作而學》和《超越學校的技能》的回顧報告,綜攬會員國之後期中等教育 和後中等教育之特點、劣勢與建議,凸顯先進國家因應國際化和高端科技之競爭, 後中等教育成為職場人力培育的平台,建構連結、銜接這一平台的進路,成為關 注的焦點。本文企圖透過文件分析,綜理OECD 上述報告之意涵,反思我國面臨 高科技和國際化接軌之衝擊,技術型高中培育職場多元實務人才應有的思維。綜 上,獲致以下結論:(一)核心職能成為VET 機構培育技術人力之基礎;(二) 學習力為培育高層次及異質人才之要件;(三)暢通、便捷參與VET 機構之學習 進路,成為厚植職場經濟實力之優先工程;(四)營造產業合作交流機制,以靈 活反映產業訊息、彌補或提升多元專業師資之能量。相對地,研擬如下之建議: (一)技術型高中宜以職場導向之核心職能發展育才課程;(二)技術型高中宜 對準群科之職場特質,為學生備妥職場之學習力;(三)校本位課程為技術型高 中實現適性揚才、營造辦學特色之根本;(四)簡化職場人員參與VET 的要件, 以優化勞動人力品質。 |
摘要(英文): | This study, through the document analysis, aims and intends to generalize, explain and interpret the meanings of the above-mentioned OECD reports to reflect on what we should think and do to develop, educate and train multi-merit workforce at technical high schools in Taiwan, when facing the shock or impact of high technology and international connection. In summary, the following conclusions are reached include that: (1)core competence should be built and developed as the foundation for cultivating and developing technicians at various VET (Vocational Educational Training) organizations; (2) Learning ability on workplace should be the chief or basic requirement for developing high-level and diverse-multi-skilled talents or experts; (3) Smooth paths should be made or mapped out to access to or enter the learning programs at are reached VET organizations thus being adopted and implemented as priority strategy to advance and boost the economic power at workplace; (4) A communication mechanism of industrial cooperation and exchange should be built to acutely and flexibly reflect industrial information, to complement or make up, or raise or elevate the energy of professional multi-tasked or skilled teachers or trainers.3 To echo the above suggestions, it is therefore proposed for making the following recommendations: (1) Technical high schools be designed as career- or workplace-oriented with career development training as their core course; (2) technical high schools should focus on the cluster subjects or divisions featured by workplace merits to improve or advance the learning ability on workplace of students to help prepare them ready for their future jobs; (3) School-based or focused curriculum should be so designed to reveal or show the basic characteristic trait of technical high schools for developing and training suitable talents and technicians; (4) The main requirement should be simplified for workplace personnel to be admitted to enter or attend the VET programs to heighten the quality of labor workforce. |
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