
Cognitive Load Scale of Digital Reading for Elementary School Students

Shin-Feng Chen


所屬期刊: 第12卷第4期 「教育心理、輔導與測評」
系統編號: vol047_01
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2016
作者: 陳新豐
作者(英文): Shin-Feng Chen
論文名稱: 國小高年級學童線上數位閱讀認知負荷量表編製
論文名稱(英文): Cognitive Load Scale of Digital Reading for Elementary School Students
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵字: 位閱讀、認知負荷、結構方程模式、量表編制
英文關鍵字: cognitive load, digital reading, scale development, structural equation modeling
服務單位: 屏東大學教育學系
稿件字數: 14248
作者專長: 測驗評量、教育統計、電腦化測驗、試題等化、測驗組卷
投稿日期: 2016/10/13
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本研究旨在編制國小高年級學童數位閱讀認知負荷量表(Digital Reading
Cognitive Load Scale, DRCLS),建立信度及效度資料。研究工具採用自編「國小
個向度,再區分為心智的努力(mental efforts)以及心理的負荷(mental load)等
2 個構面,採用李克特5 點量尺的設計方式,總共25 題。研究分二個階段進行,
具有良好的內容效度指數(Content Validity Index, CVI),繼而就387 位預試樣本
分層比率隨機抽取35 個班級,針對728 位國小高年級學童進行線上量表施測。測
面分量表均可接受。綜上所述,DRCLS 在相關研究以及數位閱讀實務上具有應用
摘要(英文): This study aims to establish a Digital Reading Cognitive Load Scale (DRCLS) for
elementary school high-grade students in order to form a reliable and valid database. The
DRCLS consists of three components: (1) task environment, (2) learner characteristic
(cognitive capability, cognitive style, prior knowledge and experience) assessment,
and (3) an interactive effect component to measure learner’s engagement within the
task environment. The interactive effect component measures a learner at two levels:
mental effort and mental load. Twenty-five Likert-type scale items were produced for
the DRCLS. The entire study was divided into two steps. Step 1 included developing the
items and having them validated by four subject field experts and two elementary school
teachers. Validated items were statistically analyzed using 387 pre-test samples. The 25
items were further refined according to the results from the pre-test data analysis. At the
Step 2 data were collected from a stratified proportional sampling of 35 classes, which
included 728 elementary school high-grade students. These students responded to the 25
items in a Web-based online environment. Analysis on data collected from these students
revealed good internal consistency reliability. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was
developed to measure two scale components: mental effort and mental load. The theory
model was cross-validated using two random sample groups. Analysis of the SEM model
to data revealed a good model fit to the data, good construct validity, and good divergent
and convergent construct validity for both scales’ components. The education value of
using DRCLS to promote digital reading practice among students is also forwarded.
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