
Learning Approaches and Its Related Factors of Undergraduate Students in a Technological University

Bor-Jen Jeng


所屬期刊: 第12卷第4期 「教育心理、輔導與測評」
系統編號: vol047_03
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2016
作者: 鄭博真
作者(英文): Bor-Jen Jeng
論文名稱: 技職大專生學習取向及其相關因素之研究
論文名稱(英文): Learning Approaches and Its Related Factors of Undergraduate Students in a Technological University
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 表面學習取向; 深度學習取向; 學習取向
英文關鍵字: deep learning approaches; learning approaches; surface learning approaches
服務單位: 中華醫事科技大學幼兒保育系
稿件字數: 15739
作者專長: 課程與教學; 教育心理學; 多元智能教育
投稿日期: 2016/10/23
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 本研究旨在探討技職大專生的學習取向及其相關因素。研究對象為某私立科
技大學日間部1,817 名學生。採用「大專生學習取向量表」作為研究工具蒐集實證
資料。以相依樣本及獨立樣本t 檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析進行統計處理。
摘要(英文): The purpose of this study was to investigate the students’ learning approaches
and examine its related factors. There were 1,817 students participating in this study
at private technological university. The scale of learning approaches was utilized for
collecting empirical data. The independent-samples, dependent-samples t-test and oneway
analysis of variance were used to analyze the collected data. This study found that
students preferred to take a deep learning approach. Furthermore, they also tended to
adopt deep learning strategy. In the aspect of motive, they showed a tendency for higher
surface motives. Besides, different gender, the educational systems, grades, college,
and learning performances of undergraduate students had the significant impact on their
learning approaches. Based on these results, this study suggests that teachers should
motivate students to deepen their learning motivation, and guide students to adopt deep
learning strategies. Teachers should counsel students with weak academic performance
to use a deep learning approach. In the future, the inter-institutional research can be
conducted with other universities, to employ longitudinal study tracking the development
of students’ learning approaches in different grades as well as explore the impact of
other factors on learning approaches, and the impact of learning approaches on learning
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