
Study of Scale-Items Reduction: The Reconstruction of Subjective Well-Being Scale

余民寧; 陳柏霖; 陳玉樺
Min-Ning Yu; Po-Lin Chen; Yu-Hua Chen


所屬期刊: 第13卷第4期 「教育心理,輔導與測評」
系統編號: vol051_02
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2017
作者: 余民寧; 陳柏霖; 陳玉樺
作者(英文): Min-Ning Yu; Po-Lin Chen; Yu-Hua Chen
論文名稱: 量表長度簡化研究:「簡式中小學教師主觀幸福感量表」修訂
論文名稱(英文): Study of Scale-Items Reduction: The Reconstruction of Subjective Well-Being Scale
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 主觀幸福感; 短題本; 試題反應理論
英文關鍵字: subjective well-being; short form version; item response theory
稿件字數: 16175
作者專長: 教育測驗與評量、多變量分析、潛在變項模式、測驗理論、幸福心理學
投稿日期: 2017/2/12
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摘要(中文): 本研究旨在發展一份適合華人使用,經濟、有效之評估主觀幸福感之工具。
市學校數比率進行抽樣後,共得有效選題樣本1,046 人,在原量表情緒幸福感、
析結果,選出15 題的「簡式中小學教師主觀幸福感量表」。然後,重新以分層
隨機抽樣取得1,180 名中小學教師為有效樣本,執行主觀幸福感驗證性因素分析
摘要(英文): The multidimensional Subjective Well-being Scale (SWS) had become one of the
most widely-used inventories for measuring the subjective well-being construct including
psychological well-being, social well-being, and emotional well-being. For economic
effi ciency and widespread use, we developed a short form of the Subjective Well-being
Scale, the SWS-SF. There were two sets of sample: development sample and validation
sample, in which 1,046 and 1,180 teachers randomly selected according to the ratio of
the number of schools from cities around Taiwan. Through two-stage process of item
selection and model confirmation, the 39-item full scale was reduced to 15-item brief
version. The items in the brief version of Subjective Well-being Scale were selected
according to the rating scale model (RSM) and differential item functioning (DIF) of item
response theory. The structure of the brief version was tested by the confi rmation factor
analysis (CFA). Results show that: The processes of parameter estimation, item selection,
cross-validation, and comparisons with the full scale and other construct (Taiwan
Depression Scale) are presented and discussed. The results show that the three-factor
model performed adequate goodness-of-fi t in brief version, and the psychological, social,
and emotional well-beings all had signifi cantly negative relationships with depression.
This indicates that the factor structure of the brief version of Subjective Well-being Scale
was the same as the full scale and also there was a good criterion-related validity in
teachers’ subjective well-being model. Finally, some suggestions for practice usage and
future research are proposed.
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