
The Applications of Lexicon Network of Climate Change Themes to Teaching and Learning through Data Mining

彭致翎;吳鑑城; 劉君毅
Chih-Ling Peng; Jian-Cheng Wu; Chun-Yi Liu


所屬期刊: 第14卷第2期 「課程與教學」
系統編號: vol053_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2018
作者: 彭致翎;吳鑑城; 劉君毅
作者(英文): Chih-Ling Peng; Jian-Cheng Wu; Chun-Yi Liu
論文名稱: 以巨量資料探勘氣候變遷主題詞彙網絡應用於教與學之探究
論文名稱(英文): The Applications of Lexicon Network of Climate Change Themes to Teaching and Learning through Data Mining
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 32
中文關鍵字: 巨量資料; 資料探勘; 詞彙網絡; 教學創新; 中等教育課程
英文關鍵字: big data; data mining; lexicon network; instructional innovation; secondary curriculum
服務單位: 國家教育研究院
稿件字數: 19109
作者專長: 學術名詞編譯; 教科書研究; 教育政策; 成人教育學習
投稿日期: 2018/1/9
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 在巨量資料的社會,教科書已不易滿足學習所需,藉助科技擷取生活脈絡中有意義的資訊融入教學,應為教學創新可行之途徑。本研究採資料探勘技術,以大量的新聞語料就氣候變遷主題詞彙進行篩檢,配合詞彙資料庫比對、專家檢核、教師問卷等,萃取氣候變遷關鍵詞彙群,並透過視覺化詞彙網絡圖呈現,併同學生紙筆測驗及師生訪談、蒐集回饋資訊等方式,探究教與學應用之可行性。本研究發現,採自巨量資料之詞彙網絡特點包含:一、巨量實徵:詞彙資料來源客觀,視覺化圖像有助明瞭;二、探索關鍵:藉由詞彙之關聯,窺知詞彙代表意涵;三、跨域學習:跨越領域 學科,推敲詞彙共現形成之知識概貌;四、統整詮釋:突破單科限制,促進統整詮釋思維方式;五、批判反思:提供機會線索,反思新聞背後隱含意義。本研究嘗試跨越文本框架,以詞彙探勘及應用探究,構作貼近現實世界複雜知識表徵之補充教材,深化詞彙理解在學習之意義,期能為教師於從事跨領域跨科主題教學,或涉獵新興議題、時事結合、處於變化中事物時,開創更適切之輔助資源。
摘要(英文): In a society with an enormous amount of data, textbooks can hardly meet the needs of learning. Integrating the meaningful information acquired in the life context by using science and technology into teaching should be a feasible approach to instructional innovation. This study extracts keywords for climate change by using the technique of data mining to screen a news corpus based on climate change topics, along with comparing the corpus, expert checks, and teacher questionnaires. The study presents visual vocabulary network, using tests, interviews with teachers and students and collection of feedback information to explore its potential applications on teaching and learning. The results show that the lexicon network could be applied into several aspects of the empirical applications of data mining, the visualization of knowledge hybrid representation, the crosscutting instruction and learning, integral interpretation, and reflection. Finally, this study suggests that the technique of data-mining of the corpus could be an applicable research methodology to effectively integrate various knowledge systems of corpora, and the visualization of lexicon network could be an integral knowledge hybrid representation of facilitating instruction and learning of reading comprehension. This study attempts to cross the boundary between different textual frameworks to deepen the significance of vocabulary comprehension in learning, through vocabulary mining and its application and the construction of supplementary materials that are close to the representation of complex knowledge in the real world. This study can facilitate teachers to engage with cross-domain and cross-curricular thematic teaching, integrate emerging issues and current events into teaching, or create more appropriate supporting resources in the midst of change.
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