The Measurement of Domain-Specific Vocabulary Knowledge: The Mathematical Vocabulary Ability of Third to Eighth Grade Students
吳昭容; 曾建銘; 鄭鈐華; 陳柏熹; 吳宜玲
Chao-Jung Wu; Chien-Ming; Cheng Chien-Hua Cheng; Po-Hsi Chen; Yi-Ling Wu
Chao-Jung Wu; Chien-Ming; Cheng Chien-Hua Cheng; Po-Hsi Chen; Yi-Ling Wu
所屬期刊: |
第14卷第4期 「教育心理、輔導與測評」 主編:國立臺北教育大學教育學系教授 張郁雯 |
系統編號: | vol055_01 |
主題: | 測驗與評量 |
出版年份: | 2018 |
作者: | 吳昭容; 曾建銘; 鄭鈐華; 陳柏熹; 吳宜玲 |
作者(英文): | Chao-Jung Wu; Chien-Ming; Cheng Chien-Hua Cheng; Po-Hsi Chen; Yi-Ling Wu |
論文名稱: | 領域特定詞彙知識的測量:三至八年級學生數學詞彙能力 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Measurement of Domain-Specific Vocabulary Knowledge: The Mathematical Vocabulary Ability of Third to Eighth Grade Students |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
系所名稱: | |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 40 |
中文關鍵字: | 詞彙知識; 試題反應理論; 數學符號; 術語 |
英文關鍵字: | vocabulary knowledge; item response theory; mathematical symbol; technical vocabulary |
服務單位: | 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 |
稿件字數: | 21666 |
作者專長: | 認知心理學、數學教學心理學、發展心理學 |
投稿日期: | 2018/6/27 |
論文下載: | |
摘要(中文): | 學生的詞彙知識是理解教師講解、課堂討論、課本內容,以及題目題意的基 礎。測量數學詞彙知識的詞目常是研究者主觀選定、只在特定單元或年級,工具未經信效度考驗,欠缺常模,更沒有複本。本研究建立了一至九年級數學課程中會面對的數學詞彙列表,包括術語、一般用語,以及符號,共731 個詞,採比率抽樣從A、B、C 年段(分別是三四、五六、七八年級)學過的詞目抽取詞彙來命題。經修審題,再經小型、第一次、第二次預試,及正式施測,共計5,593 名受測學生,以年段為潛在?歸變項進行Rasch 模式的試題參數估計。三年段各三個複本在三類詞彙與四種數學主題的比率、試題難度分布,與測驗訊息量大致相當。本測驗之內部一致性信度達可接受範圍,並與數學成就、數學文字題、數學運算能力達中度以上相關。本研究以同時估計法將三個年段的題本垂直等化,而各年段的三個複本也經過水平等化,且以正式施測的2,357 名學生建立三至八年級的常模,提供不同版本及不同年段的數學詞彙能力成長變化情形,也指出數學詞彙的難詞。 |
摘要(英文): | Students’ vocabulary knowledge is a foundation for understanding lectures, classroom discussions, textbooks, and semantics of word problems. The lemmas that measure mathematical vocabulary knowledge usually are selected by researchers subjectively, limited only to specific units or grades, lacking in reliability/validity evidence, norm and parallel forms of measurement tools. This study aims to develop measurements of mathematical vocabulary that contains 731 words demonstrating in 1st through 9th graders’ mathematic courses, including technical, general, and symbolic vocabularies. We selected vocabularies for the measurements with data of the acquired lemmas in A, B, and C levels (that is, 3rd4th, 5th6th, and 7th8th grades) by proportional sampling method. After modification of items, small-scale trial, first pilot-test, second pilot-test, and final test were conducted, in which about 5,593 students participated. We adopted levels as latent regression variable and conducted parameter estimation of Rasch model. The three parallel forms of each level among the three kinds of vocabularies and four kinds of mathematical topics showed approximately equivalent proportion, distribution of difficulty, and item information. The internal consistency reliability of this measurements was acceptable. Besides, the relationships between these measurements and the abilities of mathematical achievements, mathematical word problem solving, and mathematical calculation all indicated moderate positive correlations. Generally speaking, this study adopted concurrent calibration to build vertical scales for the three levels, and to develop horizontal scales for the three parallel measurements of each level. The norm of 3rd through 8th grades has been established by 2,357 students in the final test. This study showed not only the growth of students’ mathematical vocabulary ability in different levels and parallel forms, but the varying difficulty of mathematical vocabularies. |
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