
The Relations of Action Orientation, Emotional Control Strategies of Math Problem-Solving and Math Test Anxiety

Ying-Fen Chang


所屬期刊: 第15卷第4期 「教育心理、輔導與測評」
系統編號: vol059_01
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2019
作者: 張映芬
作者(英文): Ying-Fen Chang
論文名稱: 行動導向、數學解題情緒控制策略與數學考試焦慮關係之研究
論文名稱(英文): The Relations of Action Orientation, Emotional Control Strategies of Math Problem-Solving and Math Test Anxiety
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵字: 行動導向; 考試焦慮; 啟動; 情緒控制策略; 撤離
英文關鍵字: action orientation; disengagement; emotional control strategies; initiative; test anxiety
稿件字數: 20902
投稿日期: 2019/8/13
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 許多研究顯示行動導向所包含的因素可能為不同向度,且提出探討不同向度行動導向因素區分行動導向組型的必要與價值,然過去甚少研究以多向度觀點,分析不同向度的行動導向與行動導向組型。其次,行動控制理論主張行動導向與情緒控制策略、情緒相關,然過去研究甚少探討不同向度行動導向與不同情緒控制策略關係,且少將焦點置於考試焦慮。故本研究採變項、個人中心分析不同向度行動導向、行動導向組型與四向度情緒控制策略、考試焦慮之關係。本研究抽取二批國二生為樣本,共812人,以結構方程模式、集群分析、多變量進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)「行動導向、情緒控制策略、考試焦慮關係模式」適配度良好;(2)撤離正向預測正向評估;啟動正向預測解決問題,負向預測逃避問題;(3)正向評估負向預測考試焦慮;解決問題不能顯著預測考試焦慮,反芻思考、逃避問題正向預測考試焦慮;(4)行動導向組型可分成行動導向、樂天乏動、悲天行動、狀態導向四組;正向評估上,行動導向、樂天乏動組大於狀態導向、悲天行動組;反芻思考、考試焦慮上則反之。解決問題上,行動導向、悲天行動組大於狀態導向、樂天乏動組高;逃避問題上則反之。
摘要(英文): Many studies have shown that the factors included in action orientation are of different dimensions and that it is necessary and worthy to explore action orientation profiles which are differentiated by multi-dimensional factors of action orientation. However, few studies investigated different dimensions of action orientation and action orientation profiles. Furthermore, action control theory maintains that action orientation, emotional control strategies, and emotions are related. However, few studies explored the relations of multi-dimensional action orientation with different emotional control strategies and test anxiety. Therefore, the aim of this study was to adopt variable-centered and person-centered analyses to explore the relations of multi-dimensional action orientation with four-dimensional emotional control strategies and test anxiety. The participants were 812 junior high school students. Structural equation modeling, cluster analyses, and analyses of variance were employed. The following results were obtained: (a) the model of action orientation, emotional control strategies, and test anxiety fitted the observed data well, (b) disengagement positively predicted positive appraise; initiative positively predicted problem-solving and negatively predicted avoidance problem-solving, (c) positive appraise negatively predicted test anxiety; problem-solving did not predict test anxiety; ruminative thinking and avoidance problem-solving positively predicted test anxiety, (d) cluster analyses of action/state orientation profiles revealed four profiles: a high disengagement/high initiative (action orientation) group, a high disengagement/low initiative (optimistic/lacking striving) group, a low disengagement/high initiative (pessimistic/striving) group, and a low disengagement/low initiative (state orientation) group, (e) positive appraise of the action orientation and optimistic/lacking striving groups was higher than that of state orientation and pessimistic/striving groups; conversely, ruminative thinking and test anxiety of the action orientation and optimistic/lacking striving groups were lower than those of pessimistic/striving and state orientation groups. Problem-solving of the action orientation and pessimistic/striving groups was higher than that of state orientation and optimistic/lacking striving groups; conversely, avoidance problem-solving of the action orientation and pessimistic/striving groups was lower than that of state orientation and optimistic/lacking striving groups.
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