學校準備好了嗎?國高中教育人員實施108 課綱的變革準備度

Are Schools Ready? School Practitioners’ Change Readiness for the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education

Hui-Ling Wendy Pan;Li-Li Huang;Wen-Yan Chen ;Shu-hui Cheng


所屬期刊: 第16卷第1期 主編:國立政治大學教育行政與政策領導研究所教授
系統編號: vol060_03
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2020
作者: 潘慧玲;黃曬莉;陳文彥;鄭淑惠
作者(英文): Hui-Ling Wendy Pan;Li-Li Huang;Wen-Yan Chen ;Shu-hui Cheng
論文名稱: 學校準備好了嗎?國高中教育人員實施108 課綱的變革準備度
論文名稱(英文): Are Schools Ready? School Practitioners’ Change Readiness for the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵字: 十二年國教;課程綱要;變革準備度
英文關鍵字: 12-year basic education;curriculum guidelines;change readiness
稿件字數: 24964
投稿日期: 2019/10/22
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 十二年國教課綱對於學校現場而言是一項新的變革,而新課程能否落實及產生預期成效,學校人員之變革準備度乃是重要關鍵。為了深入了解新課綱實施的初始階段學校人員對此變革的準備度,本研究在理論架構上整合認知、情意與行為意向等面向,並以國、高中校長及教師為對象,運用問卷調查法進行探討,共計回收1,266 份有效問卷。結果發現學校人員均有中高程度以上的認知準備度(得分介於中高標與高標),認知準備度最佳的是領導觀,最弱的則為評鑑觀;在情意與行為意向準備度上,得分皆達中高標,但對變革的喜好度高於行為意向;在不同屬性的人員身上,最具系統性變革準備度差異的是校長、主任與獲博士學位者,這兩類屬性的人,其變革準備度較高。另在進行認知、情意、行為意向得分之組合分析後,發現學校行動者包含「知易行難型」、「順應配合型」與「意興闌珊型」等三類樣態,其中較高認知、較低情意與行為意向者佔多數。後續政策之推動,若能掌握上述之發現,將有助於研訂更為有效的政策工具。
摘要(英文): The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education are a new policy for schools. To decide on the implementation process and effectiveness, school practitioners’ readiness to change is critical. In this context, the study used a survey designed to
examine high school principals and teachers’ change readiness with regard to cognition, affection and behavior intention. A total of 1,266 valid questionnaires were collected. The findings indicated that school practitioners had reached a high-intermediate to high level of cognitive readiness for change. Among the four dimensions of cognitive readiness, the conception of leadership was ranked highest while that of evaluation was ranked lowest. Readiness of affection and behavior intention were both at a high-intermediate level. But the score for affective readiness was significantly higher than that for behavior intention readiness. There was a significant difference in the readiness scores among school practitioners. Principals, office directors and practitioners with doctoral degree displayed the highest level of readiness. Moreover, based on the combination of cognitive, affective and behavior intention scores, school practitioners were clustered into three groups. The majority of practitioners had higher levels of cognitive readiness and lower levels of readiness of affection and behavior intension. These research findings provide very useful insights for the design of new policy tools.
參考文獻: 尹弘?、李子建、靳玉樂(2003)。中小學教師對新課程改革認同感的個案分析。










陳美如、郭昭佑(2003)。學校本位課程評鑑- 理念與實踐反省。臺北市:五南。








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