
Exploring High-School Readiness for Change in Taiwan from a Lens of Policy Design

Peiying Chen;Chiao-Ling Yang;Yung-Shan Hung;Wen-Jou Hung;Mei-Ju Chen


所屬期刊: 第16卷第3期 主編:國立臺北教育大學課程與教學傳播科技研究所教授
系統編號: vol062_04
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2020
作者: 陳佩英;楊巧玲;洪詠善;洪雯柔;陳美如
作者(英文): Peiying Chen;Chiao-Ling Yang;Yung-Shan Hung;Wen-Jou Hung;Mei-Ju Chen
論文名稱: 從政策設計視窗探究臺灣學校之變革準備度
論文名稱(英文): Exploring High-School Readiness for Change in Taiwan from a Lens of Policy Design
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵字: 學校變革準備度;政策設計;政策工具
英文關鍵字: schools’ readiness for change;policy design;policy tools
稿件字數: 10477
投稿日期: 2020/1/29
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摘要(中文): 教育部於2007年起以經費補助的高中優質化輔助方案促進高中階段的系統變革。本研究想要探討該方案的政策設計和政策工具的相互開展如何影響學校改進的過程。方案的政策工具包含引發學校變革標的群體之預期行為改變,學校變革的準備度與政府期待學校提升組織調適力以回應持續改變的大環境之政策目標息息相關。本研究採取立意取樣,選擇六所參與學校高中優質化輔助方案6至10年不等經驗的高中進行多重個案分析;資料搜集方法主要為學校成員的訪談,輔以相關學校檔案、政策方案資料、政府相關規範等文件分析以理解學校的改進歷程。本研究發現以描述、分析、與詮釋政策設計所創發的政策工具與學校變革準備度之關係,跨個案研究讓我們看見學校建構共享願景、協作動能、與激勵改變的學校組織氛圍是學校改進與組織準備度發揮有效變革的要素。
摘要(英文): Since 2007, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education has been using the School Actualization Program (SAP), a government-funded grant program, to promote systemic change at the high-school level. This study explores the relationship between the SAP’s policy design and resulting implementation of tools during the school-improvement process. The aim of the program’s tools was to promote, at the school level, the expected behavioral changes in targeted groups. Specifically, one of the expected behavioral outcomes of the SAP’s policy design was the promotion of school readiness for change, which could help schools to develop their adaptability in the face of constantly changing circumstances. Six high schools were chosen for this multi-case study, in order to accommodate a diversity of school profiles and various lengths of engagement in a six- to ten-year improvement process. The data came mainly from interviews with school members. Relevant documents relating to school performance, program policy, and government regulations were also included in order to improve our understanding of the school improvement process. The research findings show that shared vision, collaborative capacity-building, and a proactive school climate were essential to the school improvement process, and to schools’ adaptability to change.
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