The Meta-Analysis of Implementation Effectiveness and Moderator Variables of Character Education
Bao-Yuan Huang
Bao-Yuan Huang
所屬期刊: |
第16卷第4期 主編:國立臺灣師範大學師資培育學院院長 洪儷瑜 |
系統編號: | vol063_02 |
主題: | 測驗與評量 |
出版年份: | 2020 |
作者: | 黃寶園 |
作者(英文): | Bao-Yuan Huang |
論文名稱: | 品德教育實施成效及其調節變項之統合分析 |
論文名稱(英文): | The Meta-Analysis of Implementation Effectiveness and Moderator Variables of Character Education |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
系所名稱: | |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 39 |
中文關鍵字: | 品德教育;統合分析;效果量;調節變項 |
英文關鍵字: | character education;meta-analysis;effect size;moderator variables |
服務單位: | |
稿件字數: | 23971 |
作者專長: | |
投稿日期: | 2020/6/17 |
論文下載: | ![]() |
摘要(中文): | 本研究旨在使用統合分析法,分析國內品德教育之實施成效,並分析影響品德教育實施成效的調節變項。本研究共納入51 篇研究報告進行分析,總樣本數為5,202 人。研究結果顯示:整體品德教育實施成效之加權平均效果量為0.67,此為一個中等偏高程度的有效效果量,表示於學校實施品德教育後,確實能對學生的品德行為表現產生正向的影響;本研究所設定之教育階段、學校位置與研究區域均為品德教育實施成效的調節變項,此外尚有第二階段與第三階段之調節變項,交互影響品德教育之實施成效。正因為有調節變項,即表示品德教育實施成效的高低,將因於調節變項的不同類別而有所不同,因此需以較謹慎的態度看待整體品德教育實施成效,這也是本研究的限制。藉由本研究結果可知於學校中實施品德教育是有效的,此結果可供各級學校實施品德教育之參考。 |
摘要(英文): | The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of character education in Taiwan through the Meta-analysis method, and to analyze the moderators that influence the effectiveness of character education. A total of 51 research reports were collected in this study for analysis, with a total sample size of 5,202 people. The results showed that the weighted average effect size of the overall character education teaching effect was 0.67 after the hetero research was deleted and the publication bias was simulated, which is a moderately high effective effect size, indicating that the implementation of character education teaching in schools can indeed have a positive impact on students character behavior. The educational stage, school location and study area are all set as moderators that affect the effectiveness of character education. In addition, there are second and third stages of moderators that interactively affect the teaching effectiveness of character education. Because there are moderator variable means the implementation effectiveness of moral education will be different with different types of moderator variable. Therefore, we should take a cautious attitude towards the overall implement effectiveness of moral education. This is also the limitation of this study. Based on the analysis of this study, it can be known that the implementation of character education in schools is effective, the results can be used as reference for the implementation of character education in schools at all levels. |
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