
Using IPMA-RG in Educational Research

Lain-Chyi Yeh


所屬期刊: 第16卷第4期 主編:國立臺灣師範大學師資培育學院院長
系統編號: vol063_03
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2020
作者: 葉連祺
作者(英文): Lain-Chyi Yeh
論文名稱: IPMA-RG在教育研究之應用
論文名稱(英文): Using IPMA-RG in Educational Research
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵字: 教育領導;教育管理;重要-表現圖示分析;重要-表現矩陣分析
英文關鍵字: educational leadership;educational management;importance-performance map analysis;importance-performance matrix analysis
稿件字數: 18385
投稿日期: 2020/4/22
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 重要-表現圖示分析(IPMA)可依據設定的變項間因果關係去分類變項,利
於教育領導和管理決策參考,但限制為IPMA 有賴應用特定軟體和具備高階統計
方法知能。對此,採擷IPMA 理念,提出IPMA-RGc 和IPMA-RGi,其應用多元
析流程,也提出使用IPA、IPGA、IPMA-SEM 和IPMA-RG 的整合決策流程。另
應用教育領導研究實例資料進行分析,顯示IPMA-RGc 和IPMA-RGi 分析品質良
摘要(英文): Importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) can classify variables based on the casual relationship between variables, are useful for decision making in educational leadership and management. But its limits are rely on using specific software and need knowledge and capabilities of advance statistical methods. So the study adopted the idea of IPMA, proposed IPMA-RGc and IPMA-RGi which using multiple regression analysis and general statistical software are easy to use. This study illustrated analytic ideas, related topics, and analytic procedures about IPMA-RG, and also showed an integrated decision-making procedure for conducting IPA, IPGA, IPMA-SEM and IPMA-RG.
Moreover a practical research data of educational leadership was used to test IPMA-RG, results showed both IPMA-RGc and IPMA-RGi are good.
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