A Case Study of the Implementation of Classroom Observation and Post-Observation Debriefing Based on Collaborative Inquiry among Elementary School Teachers
Shih-Hsiung Liu
Shih-Hsiung Liu
所屬期刊: |
第17卷第1期 主編:國立中正大學教育學研究所教授 林明地 |
系統編號: | vol064_01 |
主題: | 師資培育 |
出版年份: | 2021 |
作者: | 劉世雄 |
作者(英文): | Shih-Hsiung Liu |
論文名稱: | 國小教師採合作探究理念進行觀課、議課之個案研究 |
論文名稱(英文): | A Case Study of the Implementation of Classroom Observation and Post-Observation Debriefing Based on Collaborative Inquiry among Elementary School Teachers |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
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語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 29 |
中文關鍵字: | 合作探究、觀課、議課、教師專業成長 |
英文關鍵字: | collaborative inquiry, classroom observations, post-observation debriefings, teachers’ professional development |
服務單位: | 國立彰化師範大學師資培育中心教授 |
稿件字數: | 19876 |
作者專長: | |
投稿日期: | 2020/9/13 |
論文下載: | ![]() |
摘要(中文): | 本研究試圖以教師採合作探究理念,引導教師以學生學習表現為焦點進行觀課和議課,研究目的在探討教師實踐此理念及可能產生的問題。本研究選取一所小學,並邀請4位教師及教務主任組成社群,以研究者所提合作探究的理念,進行三個月共四次循環的觀課、議課活動。本研究主要蒐集教師觀課、議課過程的文字和語音資料,為檢證資料分析的合宜性,再對參與者進行半結構訪談。本研究發現參與教師在觀課紀錄描述中多關注低成就學生的外在行為表現,但在議課時忽略解釋那些學生在教材內容學習理解困難的原因及省思後續的教學策略;本研究也發現教師在合作探究中願意聆聽與對話,已經具有相互分享的教學文化,但在解釋原因與集體省思上仍存有合作探究能力上的問題,導致在集體省思的教學文化上仍面臨困難。。採用合作探究理念有助於教師調整對觀課、議課的負向態度,若學校教師持續欲透過觀課、議課提升教學品質與改善學生學習成效,則需要思考教師解釋學生表現的能力,與形塑教師集體省思的教師教學文化。 |
摘要(英文): | This study proposes a theoretical framework for collaborative inquiry that helps teachers to keep their focus on students’ learning performances during classroom observations and the following discussions, and aims to investigate the difficulties teacher face. Four teachers and one administrator from an elementary school were invited to participate in the study. The participants were required to undertake four classroom observations and the following post-observation debriefings, based on a collaborative inquiry framework, over the course of three months. The data, including written notes, dialogue voices in post-observation debriefings, and the semi-structured interview transcripts of each participant, were collected and triangulated. The study demonstrated that the participating teachers paid more attention to the low-achieving students’ problematic behavior rather than to the students’ cognitive difficulties in learning their material. During the post-observation debriefing, the participating teachers did not discuss adaptive teaching strategies. Moreover, they were willing to listen to one another and have dialogues concerned with developing a more positive teaching culture. However, due to their lack of collective reflection on the most favorable means of instruction, the teachers’ collaborative culture still presented a challenge. The primary goal of this study was to help teachers to modify their negative attitudes toward classroom observations and post-observation debriefings. If schoolteachers want to support students’ achievements as well as to promote their own professional development by implementing classroom observation and post-observation debriefings, further training in the diagnosis of students learning difficulties and further culture collective reflection on instructional strategies could be considered. |
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