An Action Research on Applying Multi-Dimensional Image-Appreciation-Based Teaching Approaches in a Freshman Art Appreciation Class
Fu-Ju Yang
Fu-Ju Yang
所屬期刊: |
第17卷第1期 主編:國立中正大學教育學研究所教授 林明地 |
系統編號: | vol064_03 |
主題: | 課程與教學 |
出版年份: | 2021 |
作者: | 楊馥如 |
作者(英文): | Fu-Ju Yang |
論文名稱: | 多角度圖像鑑賞教學方式應用於大一藝術賞析課之行動研究 |
論文名稱(英文): | An Action Research on Applying Multi-Dimensional Image-Appreciation-Based Teaching Approaches in a Freshman Art Appreciation Class |
共同作者: | |
最高學歷: | |
校院名稱: | |
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語文別: | |
論文頁數: | 32 |
中文關鍵字: | 圖像鑑賞、多角度教學方式、藝術賞析 |
英文關鍵字: | Image-appreciation, Multi-dimensional Teaching Approach, Art |
服務單位: | 開南大學資訊傳播學系副教授 |
稿件字數: | 20297 |
作者專長: | |
投稿日期: | 2020/9/10 |
論文下載: | ![]() |
摘要(中文): | 面對圖像取代文字的環境,藝術教育應有適當圖像鑑賞教學方式來幫助學生瞭解生活中的圖像。但目前藝術鑑賞教學使用的方法,學生只能被動接受專家觀點,很難印象深刻。因此,研究者深入探究Darras及多位學者的教學方法,建構應用於大學課堂師生互動、課外專業訪談的多角度圖像鑑賞教學方式,並瞭解實施結果。本研究採行動研究方法,於某私立大學兩屆大一學生的「藝術賞析」課程中實施,各歷時8週。結果發現綜合多位學者建構的多角度圖像鑑賞教學方式,可培養學生用專業方式來分析作品的能力,從不同對象的角度比較、反思來建構意義及從不同對象身上學習。第一次教學省思後,改採生命教育議題來設計課程;教材加入漫畫;善用Facebook媒體;從提問轉為探究及加入學生提問。 教學前學生不懂如何鑑賞作品,教學實施後問卷顯示此課程可幫助他們鑑賞圖像作品,學會比較、反思等。增加的生命教育議題則可幫助他們更認識自己,關懷他人、環境,增進對生命意義的瞭解。質性資料也顯示學生除提升自主鑑賞能力,也增進觀察、分析、思考、提問等能力;學會從不同角度看事物及激發更多想法。 |
摘要(英文): | With images replacing written text, art education needs to incorporate suitable teaching approaches to reinforce students’ image appreciation, and help them to better understand the images they are exposed to in daily life. However, the art appreciation teaching approaches currently in use often fail to make lasting impressions on students, who can only passively accept the specialists’ ideas. This researcher examined the teaching approaches of Darras and others in order to develop a multi-dimensional image-appreciation teaching approach for application in university-level teacher-student interactions and extracurricular professional interviews, and came to better understand the implementation outcomes. This study, which conducted an action research methodology, was undertaken as part of the “art appreciation” course for freshmen at a private university for two consecutive years, while the course lasted for eight weeks each year. The results showed that by using a teaching approach based on synthesizing the multi-dimensional image-appreciation learning methods already established by various scholars, students can gain the ability to analyze art works using specialist techniques, comparing different perspectives, reflecting on the meanings and learning from different subjects. After the first session was completed a different approach was adopted, utilizing life-education-related topics in order to take part in the course design, including incorporating comics into the teaching material, utilizing social media such as Facebook, incorporating the questions raised by the students themselves and developing these questions into investigations. Prior to the application of this teaching approach, students were incapable of appreciating artworks on their own; however, after this teaching approach was applied, questionnaire results showed that the course had enhanced the students’ image-appreciation abilities as well their abilities to compare and reflect, etc. The topics on life education furthermore enabled the students to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, to show greater compassion toward others and the environment, and to attain a clearer understanding of the meaning of life. Qualitative data also showed that, aside from their enhanced autonomous capacities for appreciation, the students’ abilities to observe, analyze, ponder and question had improved, and that they had learned to observe from different perspectives, thus becoming inspired by new and different ideas. |
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