
A Bibliometric Review of the Knowledge Base of Teacher Leadership

Wen-Yan Chen


所屬期刊: 第17卷第2期 主編:國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教授
系統編號: vol065_01
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2021
作者: 陳文彥
作者(英文): Wen-Yan Chen
論文名稱: 教師領導知識基礎的文獻計量分析
論文名稱(英文): A Bibliometric Review of the Knowledge Base of Teacher Leadership
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵字: 文獻計量分析;共引用分析;回顧性研究;教師領導;科學圖譜
英文關鍵字: bibliometric review;co-citation analysis;review of research;teacher leadership;science mapping
稿件字數: 20943
投稿日期: 2021/4/5
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摘要(中文): 為了系統性回顧國際上有關教師領導的研究成果,進而探究教師領導之知識基礎,本研究以收錄於Scopus資料庫之期刊論文為範圍,共納入616篇論文進行分析。研究方法採文獻計量法,透過描述統計、引用分析、共引用分析及共現分析等,據以了解教師領導研究的表現情形、研究主題分布情形以及研究背後的智識結構。重要研究發現有三:第一,由研究主題與發表數量的成長趨勢分析,教師領導研究可劃分為四大發展階段,包括「教室層級的教師領導研究期」、「跨越教室的教師領導研究期」、「教師領導研究的數量穩固期」以及「教師領導研究的數量擴增期」。從區域來看,發表數量最多的前3個國家為美國、英國與澳洲,但美國學者之發表數與被引用次數,均占總數一半以上。第二,教師領導研究最具影響力之期刊,前三名均為教育領導研究核心期刊,第四名則是教師教育重要期刊,最具影響力之作者與論文間具有關聯性,而具影響力著作的前十名中,有3篇回顧性研究,1篇概念性研究,6篇實徵研究中則有5篇為質性研究。第三,教師領導之研究主題可區分為6個主要群集,新興研究焦點為中層領導、專業認同、集體效能感、教育政策、教育領導、學校領導等議題,女性領導和信任則是有待開展之面向。而教師領導研究的智識結構可分為「教師教育與組織觀點」、「分散性領導與學生學習」、「分散性領導與學校改進」,以及「平行領導與學校革新」等四大思想流派。
摘要(英文): To systematically review the research of teacher leadership in the global context and explore the knowledge base of teacher leadership, the study conducted a bibliometric review analyzing 616 journal papers in the Scopus database. The analysis strategies of descriptive statistics, citation analysis, co-citation analysis, and co-occurrence analysis were used to understand the performance, research topics, and the intellectual structure of teacher leadership research. Three important findings were concluded as follows. 1. Based on the quantity and developmental trend of publication, teacher leadership research could be categorized into four phases, which included classroom level teacher leadership study, teacher leadership study beyond classroom level, research quantity consolidation phase, and research quantity increasing phase. The top three influential countries concerning publication quantity and citation rates were America, the UK, and Australia. 2. The top three influential journals of teacher leadership were all core journals of educational leadership. The fourth one was an important journal of teacher education. Of the topten influential papers, three were reviews of research, one was conceptual paper, and five of the six empirical studies were qualitative studies. 3. The topics of teacher leadership studies could be grouped into six clusters. The emerging themes were middle leadership, professional identity, collective efficacy, educational policy, educational leadership, and school leadership. The intellectual structure of teacher leadership consisted of four schools of thought, including teacher education and organizational perspective, distributed leadership and student learning, distributed leadership and school improvement, and parallel leadership and school reform.
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