
Developing an analytical framework for investigating Lesson Study: Taking teacher talk as an approach

Chang-Hua Chen;Chia-Hui Lin;Hsiao-Feng Tsai


所屬期刊: 第17卷第3期 主編:國立臺東大學教育學系教授
系統編號: vol066_01
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2021
作者: 鄭章華、林佳慧、蔡曉楓
作者(英文): Chang-Hua Chen;Chia-Hui Lin;Hsiao-Feng Tsai
論文名稱: 發展以教師對話為取向之數學課堂教學研究分析架構
論文名稱(英文): Developing an analytical framework for investigating Lesson Study: Taking teacher talk as an approach
論文頁數: 39
中文關鍵字: 課堂教學研究;教師專業發展;教師對話
英文關鍵字: lesson study;teacher professional development;teacher talk
稿件字數: 22370
投稿日期: 2021/2/5
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摘要(中文): 課堂教學研究(Lesson Study)被視為有效提昇教師專業知能的模式,在許多國家或地區廣泛推動。十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱將此一模式列入教師專業發展項目,期能建立學校本位的同儕共學文化。然而,國內教育界對於課堂教學研究多為理念探討,相關實徵研究尚處萌芽階段;再者,學術界對於課堂教學研究促進教師專業成長的機制仍所知有限。基於此,本研究根據社會文化取徑的對話分析理論與Ball等人的「教學所需的數學知識」(Mathematics knowledge for teaching, MKT)理論,發展「數學課堂教學研究對話分析架構」,並以小學數學教師參與「基準量與比較量」單元為案例,探析其專業發展特徵。研究結果顯示:此一架構具備信、效度,適合探究教師參與課堂教學研究之專業發展特徵。教師在課堂準備與省思階段經歷不同的專業成長經驗,社群對話集中在探究式與學科教學知識。本分析架構期能有助於課堂教學研究的實踐與深化,提昇教師公開授課的品質,以及增進對於教師專業發展的認識。
摘要(英文): Lesson Study (LS) has been viewed as a valuable model for teacher professional development and has been widely conducted in many countries and districts. The general curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education included LS into the teacher professional item to establish a school-based and collaborative culture among Taiwanese teachers. However, the major LS discussions have revolved around theoretical points in Taiwan, and the empirical study of LS has been scant. In addition, educational scholars comprehension of how LS contributes to teachers professional growth is limited. Therefore, this study adapted the sociocultural approach for discourse analysis and the framework of mathematics knowledge for teaching proposed by Ball et al. to construct a scheme for LS talk analysis (SLSTA) to analyze mathematics teachers peer interactions in conducting LS. We took the LS of a fifth graders mathematics unit conducted by four teachers as a case to exemplify SLSTA and to identify the teachers professional development. Data analysis suggested that the reliability of SLSTA was satisfactory. The majority of teachers talk was exploratory and demonstrated pedagogical content knowledge. Although these teachers spent more time on lesson preparations than lesson reflections, the lesson reflections did not benefit the teachers professional growth less than the lesson preparations. This framework, SLSTA, expects to examine and escalate the LS quality and contribute to understanding teacher professional development.
參考文獻: 方志華、丁一顧(2013)。日本授業研究的發展與佐藤學學習共同體的批判轉化。



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