
Do University EMI Courses Inevitably Lead to Worse Teaching Evaluations? A Longitudinal Case Study

Chih-Lin Chung;Mei-Lan Lo


所屬期刊: 第17卷第3期 主編:國立臺東大學教育學系教授
系統編號: vol066_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2021
作者: 鍾智林、羅美蘭
作者(英文): Chih-Lin Chung;Mei-Lan Lo
論文名稱: 英語授課一定會降低大學課程的教學評量嗎?一個縱貫性個案研究
論文名稱(英文): Do University EMI Courses Inevitably Lead to Worse Teaching Evaluations? A Longitudinal Case Study
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵字: 英語授課;教學評量;個案研究
英文關鍵字: English-medium instruction;teaching evaluation;case study
稿件字數: 17609
投稿日期: 2021/1/6
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 英語授課被視為我國高教國際化的重要手段,但文獻提及大學課程若以英語授課,恐不利於該課程的期末教學評量。亦即,同一課程以中文授課的教學評量優於英語授課,此種認知可能導致教師對英語授課裹足不前。本研究繼而蒐集、分析某位個案教師3門課程、8年來共22班的質性與量化評量資料,以檢驗上述認知。研究發現,同一課程以中文授課、中文輔助之英語授課、全英語授課等模式各有優點,學生沒有絕對偏好;其次,22班教學評量有21班高於系平均值,顯示英語授課教師若善選課程並充分準備,教學評量不一定低於以中文授課的課程;再則,持續的研習增能與教學經驗累積,有助提升英語授課整體教學評量,且降低各構面得分差異,而維持在穩定的高點。質性反饋意見顯示,學生最初認為英語授課較難,但學期末往往會有自我挑戰成功的喜悅,並肯定教師為英語授課的付出。
摘要(英文): English-medium instruction (EMI) is a fundamental approach to higher education internationalization in Taiwan. However, the literature indicates that EMI may jeopardize teaching evaluation. Some instructors are reluctant to adopt EMI potentially under the recognition that Chinese-medium instruction (CMI) outperforms EMI in teaching evaluation. This study collected and analyzed quantitative and qualitative data of a subject instructor who offered 22 EMI classes in eight years to examine the recognition. The findings suggest that CMI, partial EMI (Chinese is allowed, or PEMI), and entire EMI (no Chinese is allowed, or EEMI) are not superior to one another. Each type of instruction had its advantages that students favored. Second, 21 out of the 22 EMI classes had teaching evaluation outcomes better than the department average. As long as a teacher chooses an appropriate course with complete preparation, the EMI course very likely outperforms the overall CMI courses in the department. Third, the continuous growth of EMI training and teaching experience enables higher evaluation scores and keeps each evaluation facet stable. Finally, the quantitative feedback reveals that the students felt EMI difficult initially, but they embraced the joyfulness of conquering EMI and appreciated the instructor’s efforts at the end.
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