
Over-Education of Youth Generation in OECD Countries: The Comparative Study Based on PIAAC

Yuan-Chih Fu;Yi-Hua Lin;Wei-Chu Wang


所屬期刊: 第17卷第3期 主編:國立臺東大學教育學系教授
系統編號: vol066_03
主題: 教育政策與制度
出版年份: 2021
作者: 傅遠智、林宜樺、王煒筑
作者(英文): Yuan-Chih Fu;Yi-Hua Lin;Wei-Chu Wang
論文名稱: 青年的過度教育:基於PIAAC數據的跨國比較分析
論文名稱(英文): Over-Education of Youth Generation in OECD Countries: The Comparative Study Based on PIAAC
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵字: 過度教育;高等教育擴張;PIAAC;比較教育
英文關鍵字: over-education;the expansion of higher education; PIAAC, comparative education
稿件字數: 20474
投稿日期: 2021/2/17
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摘要(中文): 教育經濟學家將過度教育視為在勞動力市場中個人所獲得的學歷高於個人實際從事職業所需最低學歷的現象,從宏觀的角度來看,這種現象一定程度的反映出教育系統與就業市場中出現難以銜接的落差。為進一步探討過度教育的成因與情形,本研究使用OECD於2013年釋出的PIAAC數據,依數據完整性選取13個國家為研究範圍,比較各國25至34歲青年族群與其他年長族群出現過度教育可能性的差異,並分析青年族群個人出現過度教育的原因。對照其他年齡族群,首先就學歷與能力的差異,結果顯示各國青年普遍有較高的可能性取得大學以上學歷,但在數學能力與語文能力層面卻未必有相同優勢;進一步檢視出現過度教育的情況,發現青年相對普遍更可能出現過度教育現象。最後,本研究進一步比較影響具大學以上學歷青年出現過度教育的因素,經歸納其中邏輯式迴歸模型適配的7個國家分析結果發現,在性別方面,女性青年相較男性青年出現過度教育的可能性並不如理論預期般普遍;工作經驗的增加與個人出現過度教育的關係亦存在分歧並非絕對;另在個人專長領域與能力對個人出現過度教育的影響上,多數國家則有近似的情況,理工農醫領域者產生過度教育的可能性相對低於非理工農醫領域者,而當個人數學與語文能力越佳時,出現過度教育的可能性也較低。
摘要(英文): Overeducation is defined as the situation where an individual’s educational level is higher than the required level he/she needs to have for the current occupation. From a macro perspective, this phenomenon partially reflects the disconnection between education systems and the labor market. To explore the factors causing personal overedcuation, this study used PIAAC data surveyed by OECD in 2013 to investigate the evidence for graduate underemployment in 13 OECD countries. Using the index of graduate jobs, this study finds that compared to the senior generation, the 25-34-year-old youth generation has a higher proportion of the population with a bachelors degree and above but does not guarantee better numeracy or literacy ability. Additionally, results from the logistic regression show that the youth generation has a higher possibility of being classified as overeducated compared to their elderly generation. Lastly, based on the empirical findings derived from 7 countries with good model fit in the logistic regression, we found that for the youth generation, the effect of gender as well as working experience on the over-education varies by country. It is very common across countries that the youth whose professionals background is in STEM would less likely be overeducated. The results also confirm that the higher score in numeracy and literacy can reduce the possibility of being classified as overeducated.
參考文獻: 呂虹霖(2019)。臺灣高等教育「學用落差」之探究(博士論文,國立政治大學)。




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