
Integration of COVID-19 Issues Into a University Life Education Course: Curriculum Implementation and Teaching Effects

Yu-Chen Lin


所屬期刊: 第18卷第3期 主編:國立政治大學教育學院教授
系統編號: vol070_02
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2022
作者: 林佑真
作者(英文): Yu-Chen Lin
論文名稱: 疫情下的大學生命教育課程:融入新冠肺炎議題之實踐歷程與成效
論文名稱(英文): Integration of COVID-19 Issues Into a University Life Education Course: Curriculum Implementation and Teaching Effects
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵字: 大學生;生命教育;新冠肺炎;靈性
英文關鍵字: COVID-19;life education;spirit;university students
服務單位: 國立臺北教育大學教育學系副教授
稿件字數: 20356
投稿日期: 2022/07/07
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摘要(中文): 本文描述融入新冠肺炎議題之大學生命教育課程的實施過程與教學成效。教學研究對象為臺北市某大學、108學年度第二學期選修通識生命教育課的43位大學生,課程設計包含以靈性修養為主軸之四個單元的教學活動,於各單元融入新冠肺炎相關的生命教育議題。以學生的互動式即時回饋、學習單、作業、活動心得、身心靈成長日誌、身心靈安適行為問卷與自我省思等資料進行分析。研究發現,學生能體會生命的脆弱與有限性,反思生命目的與意義;分析疫情下的道德兩難爭議,同理與關懷因疫情受苦的人,體驗社會貢獻的喜悅,培養利他的生命態度;感受綠色療育力,強化與自然的靈性連結;促發珍惜、感恩的正向情懷,應用靜心練習沉澱身心,執行計畫改善身心靈安適狀態。根據研究結果,提出後疫情時代大學生命教育課程實施與後續研究之建議。
摘要(英文): This paper describes the curriculum implementation and teaching effects of a life education course integrated with COVID-19 issues. A total of 43 university students in Taipei who had taken the life education course in the second semester of the academic year 108 were included. The life education course focused on spiritual cultivation and consisted of four teaching units. COVID-19-related issues were integrated into each teaching unit. The study collected students’ interactive feedback, learning sheets, homework, activity reflection, body–mind–spirit wellness diary, body-mind-spirit wellness behavior questionnaire responses, and self-reflections for data analysis. The results indicated that students were able to realize the vulnerability and limitlessness of life, enhance self-reflection on the meaning and purpose of life, analyze the ethical dilemma and care for those affected by the pandemic, experience the joy of social contribution and cultivate altruism, experience the healing power of green plants and enhance spiritual connectedness to nature, cherish and be grateful during the pandemic, meditate for resting body and mind, and implement plans to improve the body-mind-spirit wellness. On the basis of the study results, we provided recommendations for improving the post-pandemic life education curriculum and studies.
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