
An Analysis on the Issues and Trends of International Curriculum Evaluation Research: from 2000-2020

Mei-Ju Chen;Chao-Yu Guo;Li-Ting Tseng


所屬期刊: 第19卷第1期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授
系統編號: vol072_04
主題: 測驗與評量
出版年份: 2023
作者: 陳美如;郭昭佑;曾莉婷
作者(英文): Mei-Ju Chen;Chao-Yu Guo;Li-Ting Tseng
論文名稱: 國際課程評鑑研究課題與趨勢分析:2000-2020年
論文名稱(英文): An Analysis on the Issues and Trends of International Curriculum Evaluation Research: from 2000-2020
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵字: 教師發展、評鑑典範、課程評鑑、學生學習、趨勢分析
英文關鍵字: curriculum evaluation, evaluation paradigm, student learning, teacher development, trend analysis
服務單位: 國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系教授;國立政治大學教育學院教授兼院長;國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系博士生
稿件字數: 18553
投稿日期: 2022/12/18
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摘要(中文): 國際的課程評鑑於20世紀漸興起,相關的學術論著亦日益增加。本研究目的在運用文獻計量工具,系統化地探究課程評鑑研究議題的變化與趨勢,以作為臺灣課程評鑑之反思參照。由於課程評鑑的對象包括教師與學生,其發展於學校。因此,本研究透過文獻計量與文獻分析方法,以「課程評鑑」為主題,分析收錄於社會科學引文索引中的學術文章資料分別合併「學生學習」、「教師發展」與「學校」之主題文獻;透過數據與文獻分析從時間序列中,理解課程評鑑在過去20年間的發展重點與趨勢。研究結果發現:(1)評鑑典範不再強制實證量化的方法,呈現客觀結果,而是基於建構主義的觀點往自然典範移動,評鑑語言也產生轉化;(2)除確保課程評鑑的品質,學生是課程評鑑關照的主體,教師自我效能促進亦不可忽略,人的發展與課程同等重要;(3)關注現場的脈絡實踐、意義與需求,帶著成長心態持續以證據為本(而非產製資料)的對話、反思與回饋,是當前與未來課程評鑑的主旋律。最後,根據上述發現,提出後續課程評鑑研究與發展之建議。
摘要(英文): International curriculum evaluation has gradually emerged in the 20th century. Related academic literatures are also increasing. This study is to use bibliometric tools to explore the changes and trends of curriculum evaluation research topics systematically, as a reference for reflection on curriculum evaluation in Taiwan. Since curriculum evaluation targets both teachers and students, and it is developed in schools. The research adopted bibliometric analysis and literature review, collecting academic literatures about "Curriculum Evaluation" in Social science citation index (SSCI). Then the literatures merged "student learning", "teacher development" and "school" respectively, trying to understand the curriculum evaluation researches’ issues and trends during 2000-2020. The study found that: (1) Evaluation paradigms no longer force empirical quantitative methods to present objective results, the evaluation has moved to natural paradigms based on the viewpoint of constructivism. The evaluation language has also been transformed. (2) Notwithstanding the fact that students are the main characters of curriculum evaluation, promoting self-efficacy of teachers cannot be ignored. (3) Focus on the contextual practice, meaning and requirement, with a growth mindset, keeping dialogue, reflection and feedback based on evidence (not paperwork) are the main theme of current and future curriculum evaluation research. Finally, based on the above findings, suggestions for the follow-up research and the development of curriculum evaluation were discussed.
參考文獻: 卯靜儒(2019)。教育改革的昔與今:挑戰與回應。元照。




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