移民與非移民子女學習成就差異之後設分析:以參與PISA 2018 國家為例

Meta-Analysis of Differences in Learning Performance between Local and Immigrant Students: Evidence from 2018 PISA Data

Fang-Chung Chang


所屬期刊: 第20卷第1期 主編:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所教授
系統編號: vol076_03
主題: 課程與教學
出版年份: 2024
作者: 張芳全
作者(英文): Fang-Chung Chang
論文名稱: 移民與非移民子女學習成就差異之後設分析:以參與PISA 2018 國家為例
論文名稱(英文): Meta-Analysis of Differences in Learning Performance between Local and Immigrant Students: Evidence from 2018 PISA Data
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵字: 學習成就;學習競爭力;家庭財富;情緒支持;後設迴歸分析
英文關鍵字: Emotional support;family wealth;learning achievement;learning competitiveness;meta-regression analysis
服務單位: 國立臺北教育大學教育經營與管理學系教授兼系主任
稿件字數: 25629
投稿日期: 2024/4/23
論文下載: pdf檔案icon
摘要(中文): 移民與非移民子女學習表現差異長期以來受關注。在刻板印象中,移民子女學
限於單一國家或區域分析,資料準確性受限且無法跨國比較。本研究蒐集77 個國
家(包括臺灣)資料有569,782 名樣本,其中非移民與移民子女各為469,533 名與
100,249 名,後設分析顯示:一、各國兩群子女的閱讀、數學及科學學習成就差異
之平均效果量各為.170、.177、.189,屬低度效果量。在77 個國家中,有55 個國
家非移民子女學習成就明顯高於移民子女,然而也有22 個國家移民子女學習成就
民子女比起移民子女學習成就還要高。三、77 個國家兩群子女之家庭財富差異、
摘要(英文): The differences in learning performance between immigrant and local students have long
attracted attention, and a stereotype has emerged that the learning performance of immigrant
students is lower than that of local students. Although meta-analysis has recently been applied
to investigation of the factors causing differences in learning performance between the two
groups of students, these studies were mostly limited to a single country or region. In
addition, the accuracy of the collected data has been called into question, preventing cross-
country comparisons. This study collected data from 77 countries (including Taiwan) and had
a total of 569,782 samples, of which 469,533 and 100,249 were local and immigrant children
respectively. The following conclusions were obtained from meta-analysis of the data: 1. The
average effect size of differences between the two groups of children in 77 countries was
0.170, 0.177, and 0.189 for reading, mathematics and science learning achievement
respectively, which indicated low-level effect size. Among the 77 countries, local students in
55 countries performed significantly better than immigrant students. However, in 22
countries, immigrant students performed better than local students. Local students in Taiwan
had significantly higher performance in the three academic areas than immigrant students,
however. 2. If analyzed by geographical area, the differences in reading, mathematics and
science learning achievement between the two groups of children in the Americas, Europe,
and Asian countries were not significantly different, except that in Asian countries, local
students have higher academic achievement than immigrant children. 3. Meta-regression
analysis showed that the greater the difference in family wealth, parental emotional support,
and the learning competitiveness of the two groups of students in each country, the greater the
effect size of the difference in performance in reading, mathematics, and science learning
respectively. The major contribution of this study lies in the use of meta-analysis to
understand the difference in learning performance between immigrants and local students on a
global scale. More importantly, the difference in learning competitiveness between the two
groups of students was the most important factor in the large effect size of the differences in
learning performance. This paper also includes in-depth discussion of the foregoing
conclusions and suggestions.
參考文獻: 張芳全、林盈均(2018)。家長教育程度、文化資本、教育期望與學生學習信念對

張紹勳(2019)。Meta 分析實作:使用Excel 與CMA 程式。五南。





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